Pornhub Launches Its First-Ever Sex Ed Video Series

Pornhub’s teaching young adults how to have sex safely — not like a porn star
Have sex-related questions and just so happen to be on Pornhub’s website? Thanks to Pornhub’s new sex ed video series, you won’t have to Command-T to another website to find answers.
Today, the adult website — that averages over 100 billion video views a year — launched its first-ever sex ed video series aptly titled “Pornhub Sex Ed” and, so far, it covers all the sex basics, from how to prepare for sex and the female and male anatomy to STD health, vaginal discharge and much more. Oh, right, and it even includes more timely info, like how to have safe sex amid this pandemic.
Launched via the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center, a one-stop-shop on sexuality, sexual health, and relationships-related info and advice, the series’ first 11 videos are narrated by licensed sex therapists and PhDs, including Dr. Laurie Betito, director of the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center.
“Our mission is to share quality information, and we continue to explore ways that we can do that in not only an educational way, but an entertaining one,” Betito says via press release.
According to Pornhub Vice President Corey Price, they created the video series to inform and educate viewers on real, safe sex — because, as some young adults may not realize, mainstream porn is anything but real sex.
“For many people, their first real exposure to sexual imagery is from popular culture, where dramatization and entertainment value distort what real sex is like. That’s why the Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center created this new video series: to provide a go-to resource for people to learn about how to have sex safely and get visual answers to common questions about sexual experiences,” Price says.
It comes as no surprise that young adults use porn as their form of sex education. A 2015 National Union of Students survey reports that 60 percent of students use porn to learn about sex. What is surprising, however, is that nearly 75 percent of students admitted that porn creates unrealistic expectations.
“Many people have questions on how to have sex, so we hope that our video series will provide the visuals that go with those questions,” Betito says.
This isn’t Pornhub’s first foray into sex ed. Pornhub’s Sexual Wellness Center, which is led by Betito, has amassed hundreds of articles addressing various aspects of sexual health, including everything from “the biological to the social components of sexual life.”
Pornhub’s Sexual Wellness Center has been a popular online destination, too: More than 40 million people have visited the website since its 2017 launch. The most-viewed sexual topic on the site? “Sexuality,” followed by “get healthy,” “birth control,” and “casual sex.”
“I’m thrilled that many of our viewers are seeking information on sexual health!” Betito says. “The fact that ‘pleasure’ is also near the top of the list tells me that this is something we rarely talk about in sex education, but that of course matters to us all. After all, why do we have sex if not for pleasure? If sex doesn’t feel good then something is up, and people clearly are looking for answers and direction in this area.”
Pornhub Sexual Wellness Center
An even more interesting stat about Pornhub’s Sexual Wellness Center? More than 70 percent of visitors are men — and millennials under the age of 35 make up just over half of the site’s visitors.
“One third of our visitors are over 45 — that tells us that we are never too old to learn a thing or two about sexuality,” Betito says. “Our sexuality is not static; it is ever evolving, which is demonstrated by our numbers.”
And now that they’ve launched the new video series, they hope to reach even more people.
“We will be adding video content on a regular basis, so make sure to look out for them!” Betito says.