
Pink Training For Her Tour With Her Kids All Over Her Is Peak Mom

by Megan Zander
Image via Instagram/Pink

Celeb or not, we’ve all been in Pink’s shoes

Pink’s a rock star — literally. When she’s not on stage winning all the awards, she’s performing her signature hits along with doing ariel routines that are more inspiring than any Fitspo meme. But while we may never sell out an arena or strut down a red carpet, her recent Instagram photo shows that when it comes to juggling work and kids, she gets it done by any means necessary, just like the rest of us.

She shared a photo of herself rehearsing a dance number for her upcoming world tour (note to self – book the sitter) with her daughter, Willow, cradled into her side. “I work with monkeys,” she captioned the snap. Although we may not know what it’s like to dance on stage in front of thousands, we’ve all been Pink in this photo.

Pink dancing while Willow clings to her is every mom who peers over her toddler’s head while she’s working on the computer or tries to fold the laundry single-handedly because she’s rocking the baby seat with the other hand. It’s the move of a mom who’s got a ton of shit to do, but recognizes that her kid needs her. So you grab them, channel your inner American Ninja Warrior and tell yourself there’s a heating pad and a glass of wine waiting for you at the finish.

This isn’t the first time Pink’s shown us her multitasking parenting skills. A baby that wants to be held and a hungry preschooler? Step back, momma’s got this.

She’s even done what so many of us have had to do on snow days or school holidays and taken her daughter to work with her, although going to the set of The Voice seems cooler than going to the office. Getting to meet Christina Aguilera is so much better than introducing your offspring to Brett in accounting.

Pink’s always been incredibly open and honest about her breastfeeding journey, often posting photos of her nursing in an effort help normalize breastfeeding. Her photos show how much she enjoys breastfeeding while still acknowledging that it’s not always simple to feed on demand.

As this photo shows, all nursing moms know that your pumping/feeding schedule trumps everything, even fancy photo shoots.

It’s not just Willow who’s joined mom in rehearsals. When baby Jamenson needs some mom time Pink has no problems strapping him in and carrying on because moms know how to get shit done.

She’s also shown us that famous or not, she isn’t superwoman. If using the iPad as a sometimes babysitter is good enough for our pretend celeb BFF, then it’s good enough for us.

Whether it’s letting her daughter climb all over her during rehearsal, making dinner while watching both kids at once or balancing breastfeeding with work, Pink always manages to be a famous mom that we can still relate to. And we adore her for it.