Pink and Gwen Stefani Performed Together And It Was Pure '90s Magic

Pink and Gwen Stefani performing ‘Just A Girl’ is exactly what we all need right now
So, something ridiculously magical happened last night. Pink was performing at the Staples Center when she surprised the audience by pulling Gwen Stefani onto the stage and performing the iconic 90’s hit “Just A Girl.” Yes, there’s video footage. And yes, it will make your heart explode from pure unadulterated nostalgia.
It all began when Pink asked the audience: “How much do you love Gwen Stefani?” Cheers filled the stadium (natch) and then the No Doubt queen appeared in the flesh, rocking the hell out of some classic 90’s ripped jeans and half-dyed hair. Literally only Gwen Stefani can pull off blonde and black hair simultaneously, and that’s totally okay by me. Also major applause for Pink’s orange and black plaid jacket.
There was just so, so much goodness happening in this video.
If listening to this song is making you immediately want to put on your lowest fitting hip huggers and rewatch every single No Doubt music video on YouTube, I promise you’re not alone.
To add wonderfulness upon wonderfulness, Pink posted the sweetest picture of the duo on Instagram afterwards and sent a whole lot of admiration from one badass mom to another. “Y’all don’t even understand how much love I have for this chick, this rocker, this mama, this entrepreneur, this total OG badass that is @gwenstefani,” she wrote.
And Stefani returned the favor.
This actually isn’t the first time that the duo has taken a trip down memory lane. Back in 2012, Stefani pulled Pink onto the stage so that the two could perform “Just A Girl” together. Pink also did a bunch of pushups, because why not.
The moral of this story is that revisiting the ’90s is like chicken soup for the soul, and also we should all find someone who looks at us the way that Pink looks at Gwen Stefani.