Pink Talks COVID-19 Experience: 'This Is The Scariest Thing I've Ever Been Through'

Pink talks to Ellen DeGeneres about her scary COVID-19 diagnosis
Pink revealed on Instagram over the weekend that she and her three-year-old son Jameson both tested positive for COVID-19 and are, thankfully, on the mend. However, in a new interview with Ellen DeGeneres via Skype, the singer got real about her family’s experience with the coronavirus, calling it “the scariest thing I’ve ever been through in my whole life.”
Pink says her son came down with symptoms first and a few days later, she started to get sick as well. However, she and her son seemed to have wildly different experiences with coronavirus, with Pink saying that “everyday was some new symptom.”
“It started with Jameson, actually, and you know he’s 3, 3-year-olds get sick all the time. But he started with a fever March 14th, we’ve been quarantined since March 11th,” Pink explained during the virtual interview. “[His fever] would come and go, and then he would have stomach pains, and diarrhea, and chest pains, and then a headache, and then [a] sore throat. It was sort of just all over the place. Every day was some new symptom.”
She called her doctor, who advised her to stay home and give her son Tylenol. “I thought they told us our kids were gonna be OK,” Pink lamented.
Then, a few days later, Pink started to feel sick too, but said it was almost like a different illness than the one her son appeared to be experiencing.
“I didn’t feel good, I was really tired, I kinda had the chills, I felt nauseous, but I never had a fever, I never had what they tell you to look for,” Pink explained.
Pink went on to describe how it got bad when she needed an inhaler to breathe, something she hasn’t had to use since she was a young girl. “I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t breathe. I needed my [inhaler] for the first time in 30 years, I couldn’t function without it. That’s when I started to get really scared.”
Meanwhile, her son’s fever wasn’t breaking and got as high as 103 degrees. “This is the scariest thing I’ve ever been through in my whole life,” Pink said to Ellen while explaining how this led her to do everything in her power to get her hands on some coronavirus tests, where she was able to confirm what she already knew to be true, that she and her son have coronavirus.
Some fans were angry that Pink was able to get tested while the majority of sick Americans still can’t and to that Pink says that people “should be angry” but to point the blame at the government who have seriously mismanaged this virus and have made it nearly impossible to get tested.
“Tell me anybody with a sick 3-year-old that if they could get their hands on a test wouldn’t take it,” Pink added. “And if they say that, I’m calling bullsh*t.”
The singer added that she and her son are getting better and her husband Carey Hart and daughter Willow have remained healthy during this time.
“It’s super real and it’s affecting not just people above 65 years old,” Pink told viewers, while later adding, “The social distancing is helping, it’s working, and we have to keep doing it.”