Paul Rudd Hands Out Cookies To Voters Because He's Just That Wholesome

I’d wait in any voting line if it meant Paul Rudd gave me a cookie, TBH
Any time you see Paul Rudd trending, you just know it’s going to be because of something wholesome and wonderful. And once again, that proves true. We have discovered that one potential source of the actor’s infinite youth might be his civic responsibility, as he was caught on camera offering some encouraging words — and tasty snacks — to voters in long lines in New York.
Voters in Brooklyn who were waiting in line at the Barclay Center to cast their early votes on Thursday shared photos, videos, and stories to social media after they got the sweet surprise: Rudd was there, and he was giving away cookies. Now, normally taking a cookie from a stranger on the street (in New York City, no less) is an inadvisable idea. But in this case, we’re going to give it a pass.
It was a very rainy day in Brooklyn, by all accounts an unpleasant time to be stuck outside, waiting several hours in line to vote. But people there shared that Rudd walked the line, graciously thanking them for “coming out and doing your part,” and handed out the sweet treats for free to anyone who wanted one. Even in an N-95 mask for safety, there was no mistaking the Ant Man actor, who was all smiles as he gave his time to take care of voters in this historic election. Is there anything better?
And naturally, people on the internet who weren’t there loved this story, and started sharing the photos and videos with plenty of praise for Rudd. And he deserves it. When’s the last time you went out in the rain to give snacks to voters, hmm? Maybe that’s something we should all add to our calendars in the coming days, as the election gets nearer and nearer.
Paul Rudd has been busier than usual this year just doing that thing he does where he’s a great human. Last month, he went viral for the PSA he filmed encouraging his “fellow millennials” (because he’s totally still 26, right? I mean, look at that face) to wear face masks to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. The PSA was hilarious, and it was just another instance of Rudd doing the right thing, because anything that encourages more people to wear masks is a win, as far as we’re concerned.
Paul Rudd, please never change. And if you have any of those cookies left, please come visit my polling station. I’ll get in line just for that.