The Best Back-To-School Snacks You Can Buy Now On
Bars, chips, and fruit snacks galore.

Back to school often brings to mind sharpened pencils and pristine notebooks, fall clothing and fresh haircuts, but every parent knows that the real MVP of a new school year is a fully stocked pantry because these kids just don’t stop eating. Whether you need grab-and-go breakfasts for the carpool or bus, ideas for packed lunches, or after-school snack options to keep your kiddos fueled through homework sessions, club meetings, and team practices, Walmart is your one-stop shop for trusted brands at affordable prices.
Here are 12 of our favorite kid-pleasers that run the gamut from 100% fruit to cookies in disguise (sorry, animal crackers, the jig is up). We’ve chosen individually packaged, ready-to-eat snacks in bulk quantities because feeding kids during a busy school day can feel like launching a t-shirt cannon into a stadium crowd. Good luck, and game on.