This Mom Is Baffled That Target Is Selling Swimsuits, Not Snow Pants, In January
Why do stores do this, and is it getting worse?

When the first major snowfall occurred this year, I realized how ill-prepared I had been for the winter. My daughter’s snow pants barely fit. I squeezed her in last season’s pair like Ralphie’s little brother in A Christmas Story.
Then, it came time to put on her snow boots, and (shocker!) they did not fit! This was a problem because if the kids didn’t come to school with all their snow gear, they could not play in the snow at recess. My husband and I couldn’t let our f*ck-up be the reason she missed out.
So, my husband ran to Target that morning to find some snow boots in her size that he could drop off at the front office before recess. However, when he headed to Target, he said the selection of snow boots (in December!) was slim pickings. He found one pair of snow boots in her size with laces, and we had no choice but to buy them. On the way home, he called me to vent about the bizarre choice of stores like Target to not restock winter items in the middle of the winter.
One mom, Nichole Roberts, wondered this same thing, sharing her recent experience at Target.
“Do you want to know something I will never ever understand? Retail,” she says. “I mean I worked in retail and I still don’t understand retail. It is January 7th. There’s like 10 inches of snow outside. More snow to come because it’s January 7th. Let’s pretend like my kids ripped their snow pants or they grew. I’m at Target. Let’s go buy snow pants.”
Then, Roberts pans to the kids clothing section and what does she find? SWIMSUITS!
“Swim clothes. Swim clothes. All over. Swim clothes. Swim clothes. No snow pants!”
Several parents weighed in on Roberts’ video.
“It’s asinine,” one user wrote. “And then they all get mad because online retailers are taking over. Well, I can get snow pants in winter using an online retailer but can’t at the store down the street.”
Another said, “Right. Massive snowstorm and Target had SWIMSUITS stocked.”
One retail worker shared, “It’s crazy — I work at Walmart and we are literally transitioning everything to spring and summer. Meanwhile it’s 26 degrees out and we have 90% chance of snow tomorrow.”
A few people argued that the swimsuits are to prepare for upcoming spring break trips. Even if that was true, spring break is still two months away, and snow is on the ground as we speak!
Another user pointed out, “And if you don’t buy those said swim clothes now when it’s literally freezing outside, they won’t be there when you actually need them. 🤣😞 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️”
And the cycle will continue!