This Woman Won’t Apologize For Making Being A Mom Her "Whole Personality"
When it's our whole life, how do we *not* make it our personality?
![One mom says it's totally okay and understandably to make motherhood your whole personality.](
Like the Barbie movie said, women are in an impossible situation, especially when it comes to motherhood. “You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time,” America Ferrera says in her epic monologue from the film.
This is exactly the point that mom, Syd Pennington, one half of the popular TikTok account, @mommdayoffical, drives home in her viral video calling out people who talk poorly of moms who “make being a mom your whole personality.”
“I think it's so weird when people say, ‘Oh, don't make being a mom your whole personality,’” she said before defending every woman in the throes of motherhood.
“I'm sorry, it's only the most important, coolest, hardest, most impossible job in the world, most fulfilling job in the world. Like, what are you talking about? Plus, it's my whole life. Is there a problem with that being my whole life?”
Pennington, co-owner of MOMMDAY hats, goes on to explain that being a parent might be the most important job in this world. Moms are raising the next generation of humans who will (hopefully) continue to help make the world a better place, so why not put everything into that goal?
And what are we supposed to do? Are moms supposed to find a hobby after making 10,000 snacks, cleaning spit up out of our hair, and finally settling down for the night after helping our oldest with their homework and making that their personality? Are they supposed to make their job their entire personality?
Do I want to only talk about kids and babies when out to dinner with my girlfriends? Of course not! But somehow, that’s what we always gravitate towards because our kids are our lives! And that should be okay.
Women are constantly warned not to “lose themselves” in motherhood, but also constantly inundated with pressure to be the best mom they can be. Shamed for anything and everything that’s a smidge less than perfect. We’re all going to be a victim of judgment when it comes to motherhood, so we might as well just embrace the journey.
The OP sees being a mom as one of the coolest things you can do in life, and that should be celebrated.
“I love being a mom. I'm so proud of it. I want everyone to know I'm a mom. Because again, it's the coolest job,” she concludes.
Several TikTok users replied to her sentiments, agreeing with the OP’s views about motherhood being an entire personality.
“It’s what I do 24/7… how could it NOT,” one user wrote.
“Love being a mom but I still want things for myself outside of motherhood,” another pointed out.
“Idk I feel like you lose yourself to actually find true meaning in life. It’s the best thing in the world,” another said.
The OP replied, “The sacrifice of motherhood ❤️”
One user pointed out a very good point when it comes to moms making kids their world and wrote, “Think of your kids as teenagers if your identity is wrapped up in them it’s way too much pressure when they just want to be left alone/individuals”
One mom affirmed this theory and warned, “I’m on the other side of it now, and realize I did lose myself in being super mom. It was my everything. Then he grew up. And I was left alone.”
There are definitely two sides to this: moms should be proud to be who they are and talking about their kids should not be some weird, “taboo” thing they feel weird about doing from time to time.
On the other hand, there will come a time when our kids won’t need us as much. We’ll need to find other interests, outlets, and hobbies to feel fulfilled.
This article was originally published on