
This Mom Says She Is Bringing Back The Village By Acting Like A '90s Mom

“You just let people into your disaster.”

by Katie Garrity
CasieReeebs / TIkTok

Growing up, I remember hearing often that “it takes a village” to raise a child, so when I got to be a parent (touched out, exhausted, anxious all day), I looked around and wondered where the hell my village was hiding. They had to be around here somewhere!

When I was little, I spent a lot of time at my friend’s houses, hanging out with their families or down at the local pool with the neighborhood kids. There was a sense of community, a neighborly bond.

Let’s be real, these so-called “villages” that we’re all supposed to rely on are long gone.

One mom on TikTok wants to bring them back.

A mom named Casie shared with her followers that she had invited someone over to her house off the cuff, and instead of running around the house like a wild woman, screaming at her kids to clean their rooms, she is just going to leave her home be and present herself and her family as-is.

In her viral video, Casie shares that she has a plan to bring back the village by “acting like mom in the ‘90s.”

“Okay, I did it again, and it's crazy. I know, I spontaneously invited someone over for dinner, even though I have not prepared. I have not cleaned. This is how we bring the village back,” she begins. “You just let people into your disaster.”

She explains that she is not going to panic clean before company comes over. Instead, she is just going to let her guests see her home for what it is: lived-in and loved.

“So other than like picking up this spoon that has been on my dog's bed since this morning, I'm not gonna clean. I'm totally not gonna clean. We're gonna chitchat inside while they play outside, and we're just gonna have an easy spaghetti supper. No fanciness. It's gonna be on paper plates,” she continues.

She pans over to her living room area and says, “I'm absolutely not going to fold these blankets. I will not. Will I straighten up this table? I will not.”

“I know some of you have friends that you can do this with, but I'm just saying if you don't have friends that you can do this with yet, just start inviting people over like randomly. And this is how you bring the village back.”

After her video went viral, TikTok users commented on her hot take with several praising her for the bold choice to just present her home as-is, mess and all.

“It’s my FAVORITE thing to walk into a lived in home. Love it,” one user said.

“My Best friend and I do this and end up helping each other clean or hang laundry while kids play. Or we sit and watch a show depends on the day,” another wrote.

Others weren’t so sure about Casie’s method and said, “I don't understand this concept at all, like what... how?!”

She replied, “Might require going to first video in chain of comments/stitches but basically I think IG aesthetic robbed millennial moms of everyday messy life besties 🤪”

Another said, “Oh my gosh, I want to… I love going to other people’s lived in homes… But so scary for me 🫣”

The OP responded, “Convinced it will always be so scary but sooooo worth it!”

One user asked for an update and commented, “Did it work?”

“Yes!! Great convos and I think we all needed the girl time, even as three grown ass adults 🤪😆,” Casie replied.

There’s something to be said about being real and presenting oneself for what you truly are, unfolded blankets and all.