Watch This Little Boy’s Viral Reaction To Being Cast As A Door Holder In The Nativity Play
His response is a masterclass in perspective. His mom’s is a masterclass in parenting.

Remember trying out for the school play? You probably wanted to be the lead. Or maybe you wanted to play your favorite non-lead character. Either way, not getting your desired part or a lead role in the play might have crushed you. So, when TikTok mom Harley Walton shared a video of her son Milo revealing he got cast in the definitively *not* starring role of Door Holder #3 in his school's nativity play, you may have thought the little boy was headed for a meltdown. Instead, the mother and son duo are going viral for their reactions to the casting news.
"Guess what I am for the Nativity? I'm a classic one," pipes a cheery kiddo from the backseat.
Without fail, his mum guesses what many would actually think of as a "classic" role in a Nativity play. Jesus? No. Joseph? No. A Wiseman? No. An innkeeper? No.
"I'm Door Holder #3," he explains. "I'll be holding doors!"
"That is amazing!" Walton says from behind the camera.
Milo obviously has that genuinely sweet, just-happy-to-be-here sort of energy that is downright cute and lovable. And him being so pumped simply to be part of the action? Well, that makes the whole thing even better. It's like they always say, "There are no small parts."
But it's not just the little boy's frickin' adorable excitement over being Door Holder #3 that has the internet proclaiming we must protect this pair at all costs. Walton's reaction is a masterclass in mothering.
While many parents would have been encouraging or left speechless at their kid's excitement over a "little" part, she read her kiddo's enthusiasm and rolled right with it, sharing in the joy of his news. She even followed up by asking questions and showing interest in his part.
"Holding doors for who?" She asked, followed by, "Were you pleased when they said that?"
Mum seemed to sense that this could be a learning experience, but her kiddo was clearly a step ahead of her. Despite her being ready to handle it, there were no hurt feelings or dashed egos to contend with this time.
"Yeah," he said. "I was like, 'I'm a door holder. Get in theeere! Let's go! Yes!'"
Chap was pumped and proud, and rightfully so — though he quickly spiraled, like all kids do, with ideas on how to make his role even more memorable. Would he dress as a door? Would he slam the door? Mum gently steered him towards doing the role as intended, but he didn't lose that initial spark of excitement.
That spark spread throughout the comments section on the original video too, with other moms sharing stories of their own little background stars.
"My son told me he was John Barrowman in the Nativity. He was John the Baptist," commented Laura Jeeves. (To be fair, a Nativity play with Barrowman would be infinitely more thrilling.)
"My son was an actual door in the Nativity once," commented Karrie.
"My sister was a piece of straw in the manger," said Freya.
And naturally, many (many) moms couldn't help swooning over the wholesome interaction. I mean, how could you not fall in love with these two?
"Tearing up at such a beautiful example of parenting. You matching his energy was the most magical thing I've ever seen," wrote Localxmess.
"I love how positive you are. You matched his excitement; that little boy is going to grow up knowing he can do whatever he wants to be," wrote another mom.
"Stop it; I love how supportive you are," wrote Kim Price.
It seems everyone is just as excited as these two, no matter the part and no matter the kid involved. Hopefully, Mom will follow up with scenes of the now international star, Door Holder #3. Break a leg!