On Feminism and Good Manners

I identify myself as a feminist. Feminism has gotten a bad rap over the last 30 years and now the mental image connected with that word is somewhere around a man-hating-militant-beast. I can assure you I am none of those things. I don’t have penis envy, I have wallet envy. In my world, feminism is the thought that women and men should be treated equal on all levels.
I married a man with whom I am equal. If we have established gender roles, such as, he works while I take care of the children that is not because I am less of a person in our relationship, it is because it makes financial sense.
This morning, I had to go grocery shopping. Of course it was raining because, you know, Mother Nature is a feminist too. Obviously, no one gets a free ride around here. I was walking from my car holding an umbrella, my 20 pound baby (in his car carrier), and the hand of my three year old.
As I approached the store entrance there was an older man-60ish standing by the door, staring at me. My assumption, as a member of the human-fucking-race was that this other member of the human race would open the door for me. (Note-to-self: don’t ever assume anything.) He did not. He just stood there. As I went to place my baby carrier on the ground, in the rain, I muttered something along the lines of, “Thanks for grabbing the door.” to which this Archie Bunker impersonator replied, “I thought y’all ladies didn’t want doors opened for ya anymore.”
Touché Archie. Touché. I don’t want you to open a door for me because I’m a lady. You would offer to open the door because I was struggling. Having good-manners isn’t about what you are packing in your pants, it’s about common decency. When women decided to ask for the same rights as men, sadly, some men took that as if we didn’t want them to have good manners at all anymore. Nothing could be farther from the truth.
Now I’m raising three sons, and teaching them there is a difference between rescuing the princess and just being kind to your fellow-man, is the most important lesson they will ever need to know. Human decency didn’t have to go out the window with the suffrage movement and I don’t care if it’s an old lady or a big strapping guy, if you get to the damn-door first you hold that sucker open, because that’s just good manners.
My kids might be assclowns. They might fart on each other’s heads, never put the toilet seat down, always forget their lunch bags at school, play too much Minecraft, sing Gangnam Style at the drop of a hat, have a full glossary of words that they shouldn’t, and fight me tooth-and-nail over meals, but they will be assclowns that know to offer help to someone who needs it.
Those are my kind of assclowns.
Related post: 10 Reasons All Children Need Good Manners
This article was originally published on