This Mom Wants All Toys From Home “Banned” From Playgrounds
“Thirty minutes of redirecting my toddler from your kid’s stroller & baby doll & barbie jeep? Awesome!!”

I vividly recall being at the playground with my daughter when she eyed a toy truck in the sandbox. The toy was unattended, with no tiny owner in sight, so I let her play with it.
Soon enough, the tiny owner approached my daughter and snatched the toy. This, of course, led to a meltdown, but it was the other kid’s toy. His mom didn’t really say much about the interchange or encourage him to share, so I had to redirect my daughter.
I explained that the toy truck did not belong to the park (or her). However, after that initial snatching, she couldn’t get out of her head. We had to leave because the coveted truck became more of a draw than the actual playground equipment.
I am a full proponent of the Do Not Bring Toys From Home To The Playground rule, and one mom on TikTok believes the same.
In her viral video, Claire Edwards says that if your kid brings toys from home, they better be playing with that thing the entire time or prepare for other kids to play with them.
“Ban home toys from the playground, or play with it the whole time you're there, or let my kid play with it,” she says.
Wholeheartedly agree! This should definitely be an unwritten rule when it comes to playground etiquette, which has been a hot topic of conversation lately as we approach summer.
No climbing up the slide, no throwing sand, and leave your kid’s damn toys at home!
In the video’s caption, she wrote, “thirty minutes of redirecting my toddler from your kid’s stroller & baby doll & barbie jeep? awesome!!! #playgroundettiquette”
Edwards received a smattering of opinions in her comment section with some in complete agreement and others not so hot on her take.
“100% if you’re gonna play with it fine but don’t let your kid leave their toys around unattended bc my kid will want to play with it then I have to throw it some place else to get it out of sight/mind,” another noted.
“Ya our rule is if you can’t share it, it can’t come,” another wrote.
One user said, “No literally!!! The amount of times kids come up to my TODDLER and get mad at her for touching their ball from home that was neglected in a corner of the playground.”
The OP replied, “Right like it’s always just sitting there.”
Others thought Edwards’ thinking was way out of line and had a layer of entitlement, assuming that her daughter should be able to play with another kid’s things.
“Or teach your kids that it’s okay to be told no 🥰,” one user wrote with several others agreeing.
“Exactly this 😆 my kids have always understood we don’t touch other people’s belongings because I set that boundary 🤷🏻♀️I don’t share my phone with other adults at the playground 😅,” one user said.
One mom said, “I would NEVER expect a child to hand over their toy to mine.”
Another argued, “Would you let a stranger borrow your cell phone or purse?”
Someone replied, “No but if I left it on the ground in a central area I would expect someone to take it.”
Exactly this! It’s not that she feels like her daughter is owed something if she spots a toy on the playground. It’s the common theme of kids bringing toys to the park (dolls, action figures, trucks, etc.) and then ditching them once they see the big slide or swings. They’re left there for every other parent at the park to have to redirect their kids. I don’t think that kids should be forced to share.
However, if my daughter insists on bringing a toy anywhere other kids will be playing, she better be prepared for it to be touched or played with if she leaves it unattended. After explaining that to her, the toy usually stays in the car.