10 Two-Tally Cute Birthday Party Themes For Your Not-At-All Terrible Two Year Old

Your baby is two years old. A cute little busy bee. That first year was rough — lots of milestones and very little sleep. This last year might have been a little easier — your tiny tot finally learned your name and their name, they began to move on their own (a blessing and a curse) and continued to hit milestone after milestone. Everyone is warning you about the terrible twos, but you’re still just stoked to see what will come next after 24 months of surprises. It’s time, yet again, to celebrate all that your two-year-old as accomplished and show them off to family and friends. Need a theme? Of course you do!
Two-tti Fruity
Know the phrase, “Go big or go home?” This is one where you go big. All fruits are in play. Literally anything you can find that has fruit on it or that is fruit-shaped is fair game. Turn donuts into pineapples or cherry clusters. Make Fruity Pebble treats. Serve fruity, rainbow sherbet. This theme is bright and colorful and, bonus, you could even steer it in a naturally healthy direction.
Two-tally Awesome
Is your kiddo a beach bum already? Play up the beachy, surfer vibe of the word “Totally” with this party. It’s the perfect theme for a cook out, a beach shelter locale or just hanging out by the pool. Bonus: The beach theme also means you can add in a touch of ‘Baby Shark’ stuff, if you must.
Two The Moon
If you’re not already looking for glow stars and rockets, are you even thinking this through? At two, no, your kiddo might not fully understand space. But, they’ve probably read “Goodnight Moon” and sang, “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.” Teach them some rocket blast-off noises for the big day and you’re all set.
Two Infinity and Beyond
Yes, another space-themed party. However, this deserves its own entry because it gives you the chance to include everyone’s favorite friends from the toy box: Buzz Lightyear and Woody. You could literally just buy all the Toy Story 4 party merch from Target or PartyCity then make one, “Two Infinity” sign and be done.
Two Cool
Got a cool guy or gal in your presence? If you keep your babe decked out in all the trendy looks or even if your baby just looks super cute in shades, this party theme is the right move. Perfect for any color palette or food choice, as long as you hand out cheap sunglasses, you’re pretty much set.
Tea For Two
Some girls just love “spinny dresses,” ruffles, and glitter and that’s absolutely fine. You can take this in two directions. The easiest is buy the Isabella The First, Disney Princess or Fancy Nancy-themed stuff and just keep food/drinks in the “tea party” realm. Or you can go full tea roses and porcelain. Either way, some tiny sandwiches and cookies and some tea or Kool-aid in tea cups are all it takes the seal the deal.
Two Sweet
The “Two Sweet” theme is another very vague concept that you could take in a million directions. Whether it’s as simple as just the wording on your Facebook invite or as elaborate as a candy bar set up for party-goers is all up to you and your budget.
Chugga Chugga Two-Two
Man, the train obsession starts early. Take advantage of it, though, for a super fun theme. If you really want to splurge, you could take your two year old and a friend or two on a train ride. Or just set up the train table, buy some colorful party paraphernalia and turn the toddlers loose to wreak their own brand of havoc. Just don’t forget the train whistles.
Have Your Cake and Eat It Two
While this play on words could, again, be pretty much anything there’s an obvious spin leader: Cupcakes. Make cupcakes, decorate cupcakes, smash a giant cupcake and read, “If You Give A Cat A Cupcake.” Winner, winner, cupcake dinner.
Two Gotta Be Kitten Me!
Know a two year old obsessed with kitties? Maybe they have a stray in the neighborhood or maybe they’re already asking for a cat for their birthday. Even if you’re not ready to commit to keeping something else alive, a kitten-themed party can still be absolutely adorable and oh-so-sweet.
Related: 182 Hilarious Jokes For Kids That Adults Find Funny Too
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