Palm Reading Your Marriage Lines? Here's What They Mean For Your Relationship

Looking for a fun new way to get to know a potential mate? Reading their palms might just be the perfect way to learn about their past and their future. Are you two meant to be? You’ll just have to compare and contrast what your palms tell you. Don’t worry, though; there’s always room for change. In the immortal words of Aristotle, “The lines are not written into the human hand without reason. They come from Heavenly influences and man’s own individuality.” You probably already know what you’re capable of creating — and transforming — when you put your mind and heart into it. Well, there’s no reason you can’t alter fate with determination, too. You just might have to start by palm reading marriage lines.
So, is the following information to be believed? That’s a big ol’ shrug from us. Just like the mystical idea that Indigo Children will change the world or that the right lipstick can be serendipitous, some things only take a little bit of belief. Or witchiness. And, anyway… who cares if it’s not real? You get to hold and touch your partner’s hand! *Swoon*
Palm Reading for Beginners
You’re probably asking, “Which palm do you read?” And it’s an important question. But, well, how much time do you have? Those who study Palmistry believe there is information stored in both hands: the active/dominant hand and the passive hand. As you can probably guess, the passive hand is the one you don’t use as much. It’s believed the lines on that hand disclose a person’s past or inherited traits. Reading their active hand will give you an idea of who they are right now. If you don’t have a ton of time, just stick with the active hand. If you have time for both, one important thing to take into consideration is how similar or different the two hands are from each other. Strikingly different hands show that they’ve worked hard to be the person they are and get the life they wanted.
Differences Between Palms
Ever heard the expression “talk to the hand”? Well, when it comes to palm reading, your left and right hand have very different things to say. Each holds just as much significance as the lines on them. The left-hand holds all of your innate information and energy — the things that are core to who you are. Your right one is filled with who you are based on your experiences. The right hand is typically the main focus during a reading, and the left hand is used to determine the rest of who you are.
Your left-hand shows all of your potential and what you could be and do, while the right-hand shows all that you’ve done with that potential.
Both should be read to give you a full reading.
Start with the Obvious
Learning the lines on the hand and what each one means takes a ton of work. You’ll want notes. But start with something way more obvious and easier — the general size and shape of their hands.
- Large Hands
People with large hands typically spend more time thinking than acting.
- Small Hands
The opposite is true for people with smaller hands. They’re probably less likely to think things through. They’re more reactive.
The Shape/Ratio of Hands and Fingers
To determine whether a person’s element is Earth, Air, Water, or Fire, you’ll need to compare the shape of their hands. To do so, follow these general guidelines.
- Finger Length
If your middle finger is greater than or equal to 3/4 the length of your palm, you have long fingers. If your middle finger measures less than 3/4 the length of your palm, your fingers are considered short.
- Palm Shape
Palms are categorized as either square or long. It’s pretty easy to determine the difference. If the length and width of your palm are fairly equal, you have a square palm. If the length of your palm is longer than the width, your palm is considered long. But, what does that all mean?
Your element might be air if:
- You have square palms, long fingers, and clear thin lines. Air represents people who are typically very social and smart. If your friend claims to be a wayward spirit or if you’ve ever been flippantly “diagnosed” with ADHD, you might be an Air.
- You’re drawn to smart partners. Air elements prefer companions who can keep up with them intellectually.
Your element might be earth if:
- You have square palms, short fingers, and strong thick lines. People with the Earth element are probably self-admitted nature lovers. They enjoy the great outdoors. They’re also practical and maybe even “matter-of-fact.”
- Reliability makes you swoon. Earth elements appreciate a significant other they can depend on.
Your element might be fire if:
- You have long palms, short fingers, and prominent lines. Those who fall under the Fire element are big risk-takers. And that translates to all aspects of life. *wink, wink*
- You like to, ahem, take charge. Fire elements are confident and willing to lead the way in bed.
Your element might be water if:
- You have long palms, long fingers, and wispy, unclear lines. These are the hands of emotional and creative people.
- Doting on your partner brings you joy. Water elements are just like you’d expect from creative people, often sensitive and focused more on the “care” aspect of love than the passion aspect.
About the Thumb
Believe it or not, even just a person’s thumb can tell you a lot about them.
Is it flexible?
Look at the flexibility of the thumb as the perfect indicator of how flexible your lover might be. The stiffer it is, the more headstrong and stubborn you can expect your partner to be.
Is the thumb tapered?
Take a look at their thumb again. If the thumb curves in under the knuckle and then flairs back out, it’s referred to as a “waist.” Those with a waisted thumb are thought to seek out fairness in relationships.
How long is it?
There’s no hard and fast way to decipher if a thumb is long or short. You’ll have to use your own judgment. Those with longer thumbs are said to be more faithful in relationships. That doesn’t necessarily mean short thumbs indicate a partner will be a cheater, though. The idea is simply that faithfulness and loyalty may be bigger priorities to those with long thumbs.
Okay, Okay! About the Lines on Your Palm
There’s a lot to unpack when it comes to reading all the various lines on one’s palm. It’s not just about the “head line” or “life line.” There are actually three sets of lines: major lines, secondary lines, and minor lines. We’ll focus on the ones we know you’re really here for, though.
The Heart Line (aka the Love Line)
- What if it’s curved and distant from the fingers? People with curved heart lines are often more generous and sensual.
- What if it’s broken? If a person’s heart line is broken, it’s a sign of infidelity.
- What if it’s high on the palm? The higher the line, the stronger the passion.
- What if it curves up toward the Jupiter Finger? Jupiter is your index finger. If a line curves up and ends near Jupiter, expect a lover who is affectionate and warm.
- What if it crosses, breaks, or is choppy? This person has likely experienced many broken hearts.
The Marriage Line
- What if it’s straight and long? People with a straight, long marriage line are thought to be destined for a deep and abiding love.
- What if it’s deep and near the sun line? In this case, not only might you have a happy marriage, but you could also enjoy great career success after your nuptials.
- What if it’s short and shallow? You may lack the patience to stay with someone long enough to fall in love easily, meaning you may get married later in life.
- What if it curves downward? Sadly, this could mean your partner will die before you.
As you can probably tell by now, palm reading is a pretty fun thing to take a deep dive into from time to time. Bonus? It’s definitely a cool party trick.
Fun Facts About Palmistry
If palm reading marriage lines sounds intriguing, you’ll really enjoy these fascinating facts.
- The best time to read palms is shortly after the subject has woken up and before they have anything to eat or drink. Why? Being active and/or consuming food and drinks increases blood circulation, which can make it harder to notice fine lines.
- A long, strong, unbroken Fate Line is considered a sign of extremely good fortune.
- The Irish astrologer credited with popularizing palmistry in Western culture is known as Cheiro. However, his real name is William John Warner. Why does he go by Cheiro? Well, it’s derived from cheir manteia, which is the Greek term for palmistry.
- During the Middle Ages, the Catholic Church prohibited palmistry. At the time, it was known as chiromancy. In fact, the church still considers it to be a forbidden art form.
- A study out of the University of Cambridge in England lends even more credence to palmistry. How? Well, researchers found that people with longer ring fingers tend to be wealthier than those with short ring fingers.
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