You Can Now Get Your Favorite '80 And '90s Games As Throwback Video Games

Hey ’80s and ’90s kids! Guess what? We’re old. Not OLD old, but old enough that our childhood trends are coming back as “retro” and our kids kind of dig them. So check out this list of old-school handheld video games that will make you feel nostalgic and give your kids a glimpse into just how totally rad our childhood really was.
1. The Oregon Trail Electronic Handheld Game
These 21st century kids need to know what it feels to have a thief steal their oxen, be unable to fix their wagon wheel, and ultimately die of dysentery. Thankfully, this Oregon Trail handheld video game can teach them these valuable life lessons.
2. My Arcade Pac-Man Pocket Player
No ’80s childhood was complete without marathon Pac-Man games at the arcade. Now your kids can experience the endless wonder of sending that tiny yellow chomper all over the screen with a hand-held version.
3. Atari Flashback Portable Game Player
Image credit: Walmart
Want to relive your glory days of playing Atari in your best friend’s basement as a kid? Now you can, with this portable Atari console—complete with classics and new hits.
4. Electronic Classic Handheld Tetris Game
Image credit: Walmart
One of the originals, and still one of the greatest brain-teasers of all time is Tetris. Your kids are sure to get addicted to moving these tiny blocks around, just like we did all those years ago, with their own 21st century “retro” Tetris.
5. YoYa Toys Handheld Water Game
Image credit: Amazon
Okay, so this one’s not technically a video game, but our kids aren’t going to truly grasp the amazingness of the ’80s unless they try to get a bunch of tiny balls in water into a tiny basketball hoop. You know it’s true.
6. Handheld Football Electronic Game
Image credit: Walmart
Show your kids what “retro” really means with this hand-held electronic football game (you can find baseball and basketball too). This might be a modern toy, but it sure doesn’t look like the other video games of today, doesn’t it?
7. Hangman Pocket Arcade
Image credit: Walmart
Yeah, you probably played Hangman with a pencil and paper in study hall, but with this electronic version, our kids pass hours of their time doing the same. Always start with E, kids!
8. Kalolary 168 Games Retro Handheld Game Console
Image credit: Amazon
This one resembles that very first clunky Gameboy all the cools kids had, doesn’t it? 21st century kids can still get a piece of nostalgia with this retro console—except they’ll be spoiled because it comes with 168 games, not just one, like ours did.
9. Space Invaders Mini Arcade Game
Image credit: Walmart
How about taking your kids back in time (and into space) with a Space Invaders Mini Arcade Game? They’ll get to experience a piece of your childhood and won’t have to scrounge for quarters to do so. (Other classics like Frogger and Fix It Felix are available in mini arcades too.)
10. Portable Arcade Video Game Console
Image credit: Amazon
How retro does this portable gaming console look? Even if the games are modern and have way better graphics, this one’s sure to take you back to the days of gaming with your friends and drinking Tang on the porch while you waited for the ice cream man.
Listen, it’s up to us to make sure our kids appreciate the new “old” stuff that’s come back into style. These games are a piece of our childhoods (for some of us, a big piece) so we need to take this seriously. Time to get some old-school gaming on.
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