All Of Old Navy's Women's Clothes Now Come In Size 0 to 30

Old Navy, realizing fat women have money too and enjoy spending it on clothes, will allow us to shop for those clothes all throughout the store and give us way more to choose from
The “extended size” market for women in the US is expected to grow to $32.3 billion this year, representing just over 20% of the total women’s apparel market. And yet, those of us shopping for those “extended sizes” are still predominantly limited to a few racks shoved into a small area taking up a limited slice of real estate in retail outlets that dare stock the clothes on the store floors to begin with. This week, Old Navy announced it will be one of the first mainstream (not size-inclusive-identifying) clothing companies to allow us fat girls into the club — in this case, “the club” is the main floor of the store.
That’s right — our clothes get to be dispersed among all the sizes deemed “not extended.” We’re finally invited to the party. Not only that, models and mannequins will display clothes in sizes 4, 12, and 18 — in-store and online. The launch is called “Bodequality.”
Old Navy
“Old Navy is revolutionizing the shopping experience with the launch of BODEQUALITY. Beginning on August 20, Old Navy will redefine size inclusion, offering every one of its women’s styles, in every size, with no price difference,” the press release says. “As a brand committed to the democracy of style, Old Navy will be the first value retailer to offer sizes 0-30 and XS-4X for all women’s styles at price parity…the brand is reimagining the shopping environment in all stores and online to be more size inclusive, giving women everywhere the fashion and experience that they deserve.”
The average American woman is a size 16 to 18 — and now we’ll be able to find our clothes on the actual racks dispersed throughout the store, not jammed into one small section labeled “Plus Size.”
Noam Galai/Getty/Old Navy)
I’m now a size 16-18 and I am here to co-sign Old Navy and confirm that I know a size 16 or 18 is a size 16 or 18 without the help of a website labeling it “plus sized.” I’m just a genius like that. And most women I know are able to read a number on a tag without that tag living in a special section of a store, under a giant sign that says WOMENS PLUS.
Hint, hint, Target.
Online models of Old Navy’s clothing are now going to be modeling sizes 4, 12, and 18 — for all the clothes. Oh my god. Women will no longer have to imagine what their huge, glorious boobs will look like in a t-shirt that is loosely draped over the same stick-thin woman. Look! They’re all wearing the same dress, and they all look amazing. Imagine that. I know if I buy this dress my size 16-18 body will look cute in it. Thank you, Old Navy.
Old Navy
And the stores will have mannequins in size 4, 12, and 18, too! It’s like they finally realized the big mannequins aren’t going to shove the little mannequins to the floor and stomp on their mannequin faces. What a revelation. Also, apparently Aidy Bryant is going to be in the commercials which we are all in for.
Old Navy
Old Navy is also offering price parity – which frankly makes me want to throw them a party. This means there will be no price difference between sizes. Any woman with big boobs will tell you that shopping for a bra is rage inducing, as they get more and more expensive by size. Ugh, bra companies. Learn a thing or two from Old Navy here.
And finally, Old Navy is offering all their styles in size 0-30 — which is truly revolutionary. Options and more options is not something that’s been available for “extended sizes” in most mainstream stores. And let me tell you I am happy about it. But I’m also like a woman who’s been in a relationship with someone who’s been ignoring her for years and is now expected to be grateful that he’s gone to therapy. Like, good for him, but doesn’t mean I have to congratulate him for giving me the bare minimum that I need. As an adult woman, I just need to expect the bare minimum in life. And the bare minimum here is that stores will stop deciding which kinds of bodies are “good enough” to be able to highlight on their racks.
Thanks Old Navy — welcome to 2021 where us big girls get to love our bodies too and expect stores to give us options. Hopefully more of your bros will follow your lead to therapy.