The Full Ocean's 8 Trailer Is Here And You Need This In Your Life

The new Ocean’s 8 trailer is better than you could’ve ever imagined
If last week’s poster for the upcoming Ocean’s 8 film gave you life, just wait until you see the incredible full-length trailer released this morning. I had to watch it way more than once because I kept squealing too loudly and missing things. Yes, it’s that good.
The movie, an all-woman take on the 2001 hit Ocean’s 11, features a cast full of our favorite, bad-ass female stars. The movie’s June 2018 release can’t come soon enough, but for now, this trailer can tide us over.
It shows Sandra Bullock’s character, Debbie Ocean (sister of George Clooney’s Danny from the Ocean’s 11 franchise,) being let out of prison on parole. She tells the board she’s hoping a “simple” life if released, and the ability to pay her bills.
Oh, she’ll pay them alright. The rest of the trailer hints at the amazing heist Ocean has planned as she dives right back into her whole olds, but first, she has to assemble her crew.
And that’s where the cast of Mindy Kaling, Cate Blanchett, Sarah Paulson, Rihanna, Helena Bonham Carter, Awkwafina, and Anne Hathaway come in as the film’s troop of eight (counting Bullock) elite female criminals. The trailer sheds a little light on their characters with highlights including Kaling as a jewelry maker eager to escape her overbearing mom and Paulson as a bored, stay-at-home mom ready for a little heist-y adventure.
We. Can’t. Wait.
Image via Warner Bros
We learn from the trailer that the crew’s mission is to steal a $150 million necklace from Hathaway’s character during the Met Gala, which means cameos by several famous faces including Kim Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, Zayn Malik, Katie Holmes, Hailey Baldwin, Olivia Munn, Tommy Hilfiger, Alexander Wang, and Anna Wintour.
In a recent interview with Entertainment Weekly, Bullock makes the filming of the movie sound about as amazing as we’d expect. “Imagine all eight of us crammed into a makeup trailer in the morning. You think that it would be disastrous but it was heaven, all of us just sharing information, all of us doing three jobs with families, our other jobs, the juggling. And then we get to shoot this movie together.”
Ugh, can we please be invited to be extras in the sequel? Also, can their please be a sequel?