Lego Tape Is A Thing And Your Kids Are Going To Want It

New Lego compatible tape lets kids build anywhere – even on the walls
You can build some pretty incredible things out of Legos. But your Lego creations are about to get even cooler, thanks to this sticky Lego compatible tape that turns any surface into a Lego building site.
The tape is called the Nimuno Loops project on the crowdfunding site Indiegogo. The tape works with standard sized Legos. It’s flexible, can be cut into any shape and you can reposition it, so you don’t have to worry about you kid throwing a fit if they don’t lay it down exactly the way they want on the first try. You can even stick it to the wall and build horizontally. Here it is in action.
The tape is really versatile. You can make waves with it or attach it to other toys. You can make yourself a bracelet for the kids to build onto while you check emails with the other hand. The possibilities are endless.
The project has already raised over $161,000 — over 2000% beyond their initial goal of $8000. Yeah, it’s that awesome.
The tape is pretty affordable too. You can pre-order now for estimated delivery in July. $11 will get you two rolls of tape, for a total of 6.5 feet.
Oh, and the best part? Unlike actual Legos, the tape is slightly squishy, so you won’t wake the house with your screaming when you step on it in the middle of the night.
Shut up and take our money.