8 New Year's Resolutions You Could Easily Avoid Breaking

It’s almost a brand new year! As we wrap up this year and look to the future, it’s normal to reevaluate our life choices. And you know what that means, right? Yup, New Year’s resolutions. Admittedly, these aspirational goals we all tend to make at the close of a year have become synonymous with, well, giving up. While we have every intention of using them to manifest the life we deserve in the new year and beyond, resolutions can often make us feel discouraged and disappointed if we set the bar too high and fail to meet our expectations. But there are some achievable New Year’s resolutions that can start us on the right foot (no, really!).
The key to these resolutions? Giving yourself that grace and handling your heart with a bit more patience and kindness. That has never been more true than after the blow 2021 — and 2020 before it — has dealt us. A global pandemic, loss, grief, social changes… it’s been a rollercoaster of a few years. So going into the new year, instead of resolving to learn an entirely new language, craft, or skill, maybe think along the lines of smaller, more actionable items: start and keep a gratitude journal, practice acts of self-care, volunteer to help others who may not be as lucky or privileged as you. That’s a new year’s goal we can all get behind.
If you’re in need of a little inspiration, we came up with a list of achievable New Year’s resolutions that are the first step in effectively transforming your life. And if you’re looking to lighten things up further, we’ve got funny New Year’s resolutions you can try, too. By committing to these simple tricks and practices, you’ll be able to cross off that New Year’s resolution list in no time.
Easy, Achievable New Year’s Resolutions for 2022
1. Start eating healthier foods.
This doesn’t mean starting a new diet or drastically changing your eating habits. It’s a gentler approach to slowly but surely adding more healthy foods to your lifestyle. Maybe it’s going plant-based for one day a week, packing a lunch instead of getting takeout, or ensuring your plate is half-filled with yummy veggies. Think simple but healthy.
2. Stop procrastinating.
Well, this is easier said than done. But you can definitely curb your procrastination by setting aside a specific time daily for the task that you’re putting off. Even 15 minutes a day is better than nothing. For example, if you’re putting off cleaning your house, set the timer to 15 minutes, and within that time, clean one room. As it gets easier to tackle the tasks you don’t want to do, you can start to increase your time.
3. Improve your concentration and mental agility.
Improving your cognition capacities is not as hard as you think Need help focusing? Decide to meditate daily for at least five minutes a day. You can choose meditations from a variety of apps and YouTube. Want to sharpen your mind? Commit to finishing a Sudoko and/or crossword puzzle once a week.
4. Become more active.
You don’t need to push yourself and become a gym rat to add more activity to your life. Easy ways to move around include: choosing to bike or walk to work; choosing the stairs over the elevator; setting the timer at your home office to step away from the desk and do 15 jumping jacks; and/or committing to a walk around your neighborhood every day after work with a loved one.
5. Meet new people.
We all yearn for connection, and guess what? It’s not as scary as you think. Join activities and volunteer groups that truly interest you. By investing your time in something you legitimately enjoy, you’ll not only automatically meet like-minded people but also connect with others in a way that feels more fun and less anxiety-riddled. Even if another COVID-19 variant hits and you need to social distance, there are plenty of virtual groups and activities to join in this pandemic era.
6. Earn more money.
Yes, earning more money is achievable. With the gig economy rising, there are numerous opportunities to increase your bank account. Working as a freelancer in your field or offering tutoring or coaching in your field are manageable ways to earn extra cash, and if you offer them via online, you won’t even have to leave your house to do so.
7. Create a household budget.
Hey, once you start making extra moola, you need to know how to manage it. Does making a budget sound like a buzzkill? OK, fine, sure. But it can actually help you curb unnecessary spending in a way that allows you more funds for the fun stuff.
8. Reduce stress.
Stress is a biggie for most of us but it’s definitely something that can be alleviated. Committing to a daily meditation practice even for 10 minutes a day is a great way to decrease the chatter in your mind. Watching YouTube videos on breathwork is another powerful exercise because when we connect to the breath, we instantly feel better. Joining a yoga studio is another fantastic way to manage stress, and with the incentive of paying for a membership, it’ll also force you to go and flow.
9. Commit to quality sleep.
Sleep is crucial to our health and well-being. Quick tips to helping you get the most from your slumber include: removing all TV, phones, and electronic devices from your bedroom; committing to a regular bedtime; putting away your phone at least two hours before bedtime; and diffusing lavender oil just before you go to sleep.
10. Get in the pictures. Yes, you.
Seriously, though — take a look back at the pictures of your family from 2021. How many of them are you actually in? Moms in particular are the worst about using the whole “behind the camera” excuse to never put ourselves in front of it. But your kids don’t care if your roots need touching up or you’ve been wearing the same shirt for three days running. They just want to make memories and have you in them.