Never The Same Again

A friend of mine had her first baby a month after my second was born. She’s since been saying on Facebook how different things are now that she’s a mother. How her back hurts. How it sucks to still carry ten extra pounds.
And she asked, when will I feel myself again?
I told her, NEVER. You will never be the same again.
Your back will always be a little achy.
Your boobs will always be a little saggy.
Your stomach will always be a little poochy.
Your hips will always be a little wider.
Your hair, your skin, your bladder control – they will all never be what it was before, whether for better or worse.
You will never sleep the same again.
You might not get out of a nursing bra for a while.
You won’t be using the bathroom alone for a few years.
You might find yourself talking about poop a lot more than you expect.
You will never have crumb-less floors again.
You might not wear something that’s not stained for a couple of years.
You might not get your nails done or your hair cut as often as you did.
You probably won’t get all the laundry done, or the dishes washed, every single day.
Yes, all that.
But what I did not tell her, is this.
Your smile will always be wider.
Your laughter will always be more joyful.
Your eyes will always be brighter.
Your arms will always be full.
Your heart will always be walking out of your chest.
Your love will always be bigger.
So no, after you birth a child (or two, or three, or four and more), you will never be the same again.
But it’s ok, because you won’t want to be.
This article was originally published on