70+ Never Have I Ever Questions To Break The Ice For A Poppin' Party

There are a number of games that are such frequent party staples, it’s hard to picture a house party without them. Would You Rather, Truth or Dare, and Never Have I Ever are all fun games to play with good friends. The aim of the game is to get everybody laughing and cringing, and Never Have I Ever will certainly deliver if you know the right questions to ask. And much like those other games, the questions can range from clean to dirty, depending on who is playing, but we rounded up the best, clean Never Have I Ever Questions for a kid-friendly party.
Looking for adult games to suggest at the next party? Check out our dirty truth or dare questions, truth or drink questions, and more.
How to Play Never Have I Ever
Even if you’ve played Never Have I Ever before, a little rules-of-play refresher won’t hurt! Fortunately, it’s about as easy as games get. Players take turns listing experiences they’ve never had. So, for example, the first player might say, “Never have I ever gone bungee jumping.” Any players who have gone bungee jumping then have to take a shot or sip (or whatever you’ve decided they have to do). If no one has gone bungee jumping, the player who suggested the experience has to take a drink. Play continues around the circle with each player posing a different query.
If you’re hosting a dry party, you can adapt the game to include no drinking. One popular option for this route is to have everyone hold up all their fingers. Every time they have done something posed, they have to put a finger down. Once all their fingers are down, they’re out of the game. The last person with any remaining fingers up wins, so you just have to decide what their prize is.
Clean Never Have I Ever Questions
- Never have I ever met a celebrity.
- Never have I ever spat in public.
- Never have I ever enjoyed the smell of my own fart.
- Never have I ever sent a text to the wrong person.
- Never have I ever tried to impress a crush by pretending to like things they liked.
- Never have I ever had head lice.
- Never have I ever been blackout drunk.
- Never have I ever farted loudly in public.
- Never have I ever laughed so hard I peed myself.
- Never have I ever put gum under a table.
- Never have I ever tried to do a keg stand.
- Never have I ever peed in a pool.
- Never have I ever farted in a pool.
- Never have I ever lost count of how many drinks I drank.
- Never have I ever thrown up in public.
- Never have I ever broken the “five-second rule.”
- Never have I ever been pulled over.
- Never have I ever drunk called or texted an ex.
- Never have I ever called the cops on someone.
- Never have I ever lurked on an ex online.
- Never have I ever stolen anything.
- Never have I ever peed in public.
- Never have I ever cried at school or work.
- Never have I ever used a fake ID.
- Never have I ever burped after a kiss.
- Never have I ever eaten something on a dare.
- Never have I ever downloaded music or movies illegally.
- Never have I ever used medicine that wasn’t prescribed to me.
- Never have I ever dumped someone.
- Never have I ever been dumped.
- Never have I ever cried in public.
- Never have I ever been high.
- Never have I ever done a bad karaoke number.
- Never have I ever crapped myself.
- Never have I ever used a cheesy pick up line.
- Never have I ever left a bathroom without washing my hands.
- Never have I ever gotten with a friend’s ex.
- Never have I ever thrown a drink at someone.
- Never have I ever had a bad date.
- Never have I ever stalked a crush online.
- Never have I ever Googled a new bae’s ex.
- Never have I ever researched a blind date.
- Never have I ever gotten in a physical fight.
- Never have I ever lied on my resume.
- Never have I ever had a bad dye job.
- Never have I ever eaten all my Halloween candy in one sitting.
- Never have I ever let someone else take the fall for my stinky fart.
- Never have I ever flirted to get out of being in trouble.
- Never have I ever completely lied about a skill during a job interview.
- Never have I ever watched a show ahead and lied to bae about it.
- Never have I ever stayed up for more than 24 hours.
- Never have I ever re-gifted a gift that was given to me.
- Never have I ever been skydiving.
- Never have I ever had a near-death experience.
- Never have I ever eaten an entire pizza by yourself.
- Never have I ever eaten food out of a trash can.
- Never have I ever flown in a helicopter.
- Never have I ever been seasick.
- Never have I ever tried alligator.
- Never have I ever been sneezed on.
- Never have I ever read all of the Harry Potter series.
- Never have I ever had diarrhea and vomited simultaneously.
- Never have I ever farted in an elevator and pretended it was not me.
- Never have I ever fainted.
- Never have I ever accidentally electrocuted myself.
- Never have I ever done the Electric Slide.
- Never have I ever accidentally walked into something and broke/dislocated a toe.
- Never have I ever been so sunburn I couldn’t wear a shirt.
- Never have I ever dropped my phone in the toilet and picked it out with my bare hand.
- Never have I ever taken a poop on an airplane.
- Never have I ever shaved my body hair into a random shape for a laugh.
- Never have I ever belched part or the entire alphabet.
- Never have I ever used the airplane’s engine noise to mask the sound of my farts.
- Never have I ever clogged the toilet at someone else’s house.
TV Land
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