These Secret Netflix Codes Make Finding Holiday Movies A Breeze

These codes save you precious time finding a family movie
For most of us, Netflix is a non-negotiable must-have thing in life — like sleep and cheeseballs. But sometimes it’s hard finding shows or movies you haven’t seen before, even with their suggestions based on category. But, there’s a little-known secret to make searching for movies even easier — and since it’s that time of year, now we can find all the holiday movies our little hearts desire with some magical Netflix codes.
Netflix has genre based-codes you can put in when you’re logged in on a web browser, unlocking a “secret” lair of movies to make your every holiday wish come true. To start, type into the address bar and replace the “X” with one of these codes. Children and family Christmas films can be accessed with “1474017,” romantic holiday films with “1394527,” and family-friendly films using “1394522.”
But wait, there’s more.
If you really know what you want, something very specific, like say getting your Hugh Grant, type in 1527064 for all British Christmas Children & Family Films. For you Canadian fans, the Canadian Christmas Children & Family Films can be found using 1721544. And of course, Christmas Children & Family Films from the 1990s, using 1476024.
There’s also codes specific to your kid’s age ranges, which makes family movie night as stress-free as it possibly can be:
Christmas Children & Family Films for ages 8 to 10: 1477204
Christmas Children & Family Films for ages 11 to 12: 1477206
Christmas Children & Family Films for ages 5 to 7: 1477201
Obviously, we all have our favorite much-watch movies of the season (can you say Christmas Vacation, It’s a Wonderful Life, White Christmas, and Love Actually?) But, there’s so many more options out there, especially ones the kids enjoy like How the Grinch Stole Christmas, Shrek The Halls, Trolls Holiday, Santa Paws (and Santa Paws 2, obviously).
But, these codes come in super handy if not all the kids agree to your suggestions (so, every single time) and you need to inundate them with 100 more choices only to have them finally agree to the one you initially recommended.
The holidays are the perfect time to Netflix with the family, cozy in, make some popcorn, and see who can recite their favorite lines the fastest; because “we’re gonna have the hap, hap, happiest Christmas since Bing Crosby tap-danced with Danny f-ing Kaye.”
There’s a ton more options as well. To find a list of all their codes, just visit and you’ll see the possibilities really are endless. Happy watching.