Hotel Full Of High Schoolers Burst Into The National Anthem, And It's Beautiful

The National Anthem + high school choirs = everything
A group of high school choirs all gathered together to sing a hauntingly beautiful rendition of the National Anthem, and it was completely goosebump inducing. Seriously, grab an American flag, because you’re about to feel super patriotic right about now.
The footage was captured by Garrett Mager, who was staying at the same hotel and stumbled out his door when he heard a commotion outside.
“Had a proud #American moment tonight,” he wrote on Facebook. “Woke up in my hotel hearing a lot of noise outside in the lobby. I went out and found this. The Kentucky State Choir Finals schools are all staying at my hotel. They decided to sing the National Anthem together on every single floor. #Amazing.”
Annnnd here’s another angle (because you were obviously going to watch it again).
There were an estimated 650 students singing together, according to Buzzfeed, which is insanely heartwarming — and also their voices are on point. The sing-along is actually an annual tradition for the Kentucky choir groups, with videos dating back to 2013. Each year, the students gather on all 18 floors of the the Hyatt hotel in Louisville, Kentucky and belt their patriotic hearts out.
This is literally like the TV show Glee come to life and I am so, so here for it.
Mager’s footage has since been shared more than 600,000 times and viewed a whopping 25 million times. Thousands and thousands of comments have poured in from Facebook users who were feeling all the feelings after watching the video. And — for one brief moment — the internet was finally, finally united. Let’s all just treasure this moment, shall we?
If only the Kentucky State Choir schools could solve our country’s problems through the power of song. We’ll take this one beautiful moment of feeling united, though. Because it’s amazing.