Joe Biden Playing Mario Kart With His Granddaughter Is The Content We Need RN

It looks like Biden has some serious Nintendo skills
There may have been an impeachment trial happening in Washington but Joe Biden’s attention was on his family at Camp David in Maryland over the weekend. Lucky for us, an adorable picture has emerged of his time there playing some serious Maria Kart with his granddaughter.
Naomi Biden, one of Biden’s seven grandchildren, shared a picture of them playing on the virtual racecourse on old-school arcade-style booths, facing off in a fierce game of Mario Kart at Camp David. “Secret Service made an exception and let him drive himself!” she captioned the photo. “A little rusty but he still won (barely),” she added.
Many of Biden’s grandkids played key roles in his presidential campaign, Naomi being one of the most involved. She traveled with him to New Zealand, Turkey, China, and several other countries, and could be seen on the campaign trail on many occasions. The 26-year-old Columbia law student is the daughter of Joe’s son Hunter, and is named after the daughter he lost in a car accident in 1972.
Naomi wasn’t done sharing the fun-filled family weekend with the world. She also posted two images of President Biden (aka Pop) on Twitter Sunday, showing him sporting a new hat. Wearing an Air Force One leather jacket that reads, “JOE BIDEN / COMMANDER IN CHIEF,” she said, “We bought him some swag since it’s Presidents’ Day weekend and he’s ‘literally’ President.”
In a second, she wrote, “And just to make sure the job title doesn’t get to his head…” showing the back of the hat reading “POP,” on it. Could be be any more adorable? The answer is no.
The White House said that Biden and his family were spending the weekend at Camp David for the first time since he became president to celebrate President Day. Other than meeting with his national security team, the president had nothing else on his schedule — except playing Maria Kart, it seems.
White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki said Biden would watch a “bit” of Trump’s impeachment trial, but said he would leave it up to the Senate to decide on an outcome. Trump was acquitted in a 57-43 vote.
Naomi told Today last month that she and the other grandchildren sat down ahead of the 2020 election with the goal of convincing their grandfather to run for president one final time. “We just kind of all agreed that we had to sit my grandparents down face-to-face and tell them not only that we want them to run but that we’ll be okay if they do run,” she said.
It looks like the bond he shares with his family is one of the greatest gifts he will give to his presidency.