These 'Milestone' Cards For New Moms Are Perfection
Moms make cards celebrating “Mum’s milestones”
Forget your kid’s milestones, the ones you accomplish as a new mom are way more gratifying. First three hours of uninterrupted sleep? First hot meal consumed? First cup of coffee finished without reheating it four times? These are things we need to be celebrating.
Two Australian mothers teamed up to give us the little celebrations we all deserve. Esti Zilber and Becky Feiner from Sydney, Australia started Mum’s Milestones after realizing the boring things we all discuss are pretty unrepresented in parenting products.
Who wouldn’t get a kick out of cards like these?
Image via Mum’s Milestones
Image via Mum’s Milestones
“We were spending a lot of time together as new mums, thinking about how stuff we were talking about wasn’t being reflected to us in the products out there, and what was being posted on social media,” Zilber told Mashable Australia. “We were having a laugh at how these ‘baby milestones’ were being celebrated with these beautiful photos of babies, but no one was really acknowledging what mums were going through.”
Image via Mum’s Milestones
Those early days of motherhood can make you feel isolated and exhausted. Moms need to laugh a little! Who wouldn’t like to receive some of these cards when they’re in the trenches of new motherhood?
“We started #mumsmilestones as a way of building a community of like-minded Mums who can share a laugh and celebrate our own incredible and absurd achievements,” they wrote on their Facebook page after their first batch of decks was professionally printed. “Keep tagging mates that could do with a pick-me-up and share your own milestones, we can’t get enough of them!”