There's Now A Movie Theater For Dogs And Their Humans

Dogs who live in Texas now have their own movie theater and it’s not fair, TBH
If you own a dog, you already know one of the best ways to spend an evening is curled up, watching a movie, with said dog. But what if you no longer had to stay home to do that? If you live in or near Plano, Texas, you have so many more options for doggy date nights, because that city now has a movie theater designed for people and their dogs.
K9 Cinemas opened in Plano on Dec. 7, and literally is just a movie theater where people can take their puppers to watch movies together. It’s the most simple concept, and yet somehow the most genius. It’s like whoever came up with the concept of a cat cafe. It should have been obvious, and yet we were all still kind of surprised by the simple brilliance of it.
(The owner of this theater and cat cafes, probably.)
People who come to K9 Cinemas can bring up to two dogs with them. They are responsible for taking their pups outside for bathroom breaks as needed, and cleaning up after them. Doggos have to be up-to-date on all their shots, and owners are required to submit medical records before they’re admitted so all the pups stay safe while they hang out and play with each other.
For now, K9 cinemas is only showing classic movies, and only on select weekends. December showings include Home Alone and Elf, because what other movies would you want to cozy up and watch with your dog during the holidays?
The current setup is operating out of a private event space with concrete floors (easy cleanup in case of doggy accidents) and padded seating for the humans. The theater’s founder hopes to increase operations until he’s able to offer daily screenings. Knowing how much dog lovers are going to love this concept, that probably won’t take long.
The only thing we don’t love about this concept is that it’s not available nationwide. Every dog in every city deserves a chance to take its human on a movie date.
Are you listening, entrepreneurs? Jump on it. Dog theaters are a fail safe business venture, and this is your chance to get in on the ground floor.