Mulling Over Monkey Names Got You Going Bananas? Try These!

Raise your hand if you’ve been obsessed with the idea of a pet monkey since you first “met” Pippi Longstocking’s squirrel monkey Mr. Nilsson when you were growing up. Or maybe it was Marcel the capuchin monkey — the memorable companion of Ross Geller from Friends — that led you to harbor dreams of having this kind of pet one day. But here’s the thing: Just as it’s true of foxes, many places in the world don’t allow monkeys for pets. And for good reason, of course; there are plenty of arguments to be made against it. However, if you have kids, you’re almost definitively going to need to come up with some monkey names over the years so your little animal lovers have something to call their beloved plush toys. Plus, they (or you) may need a few solid monkey names for stories you write along the way. Either way, we’ve got you covered.
If you’re still bummed out about not having an actual pet monkey, let’s walk through the reasons why that isn’t the best idea. From an ethical standpoint, monkeys are wild animals — since they nearly all come from lush landscapes like rainforest, savannahs, and mountainous terrains, monkeys don’t typically thrive in captivity. The reason is simple: Captive environments simply can’t meet the needs of primate species who have evolved to live successfully in their natural habitat. Other arguments against owning a pet monkey include legality issues, dietary concerns, communication barriers, and, well, the list goes on.
So, that all sounds reasonable, right? Still, you’re here because you need monkey name ideas for a monkey toy. Or a monkey character. Or maybe you even work with an animal rescue organization and have been tasked with coming up with something to call a new rescue (#jealous). What next? Well, aside from learning every good monkey joke you possibly can, you could have even more monkey-themed fun by printing out and filling in some monkey coloring pages.
But first, let’s focus on names! There are so many ways you can go when naming a monkey. We’ll explore all your options below.
Famous Monkey Names
Maybe you just want to name your monkey after one of the many already famous monkeys in the world. Our favorite famous monkey will always be George from Curious George. We love how toddler-like he is and how the Man in the Big Yellow Hat shows such patience. And, of course, as science-supporting parents, we also loved The Wild Thornberrys‘ choice in a monkey name: Darwin. Below is a long list of already famous monkeys — all with excellent name ideas you can use.
- Abu — Aladdin
Meaning: Old or noble
- Aldo — Planet of the Apes
Meaning: “Father of”
- Amy — Congo
Meaning: Beloved
- Caesar — Rise of the Planet of the Apes
Meaning: First emperor of Rome
- Chee-Chee — Dr. Doolittle
Meaning: A person who is of both European and Asian descent
- Chim Chim — Speed Racer
Meaning: Bird
- Claw — Beast Quest
Meaning: Curved
- Darwin — The Wild Thornberrys
Meaning: Dear friend
- Dunston — Dunston Checks In
Meaning: Brown stone or a brown hill with stones
- Francine — Arthur’s Valentine
Meaning: Free
- George — Curious George
Meaning: Farmer
- Jack — Pirates of the Caribbean
Meaning: God is gracious
- Jake — My Gym Partner’s a Monkey
Meaning: God will protect or supplanter
- Joe — Mighty Joe Young
Meaning: God will give
- Kala — Tarzan
Meaning: Art
- Lazlo — Camp Lazlo
Meaning: Glorious rule
- Lucy — book by Laurence Gonzales
Meaning: Light
- Marcel — Friends
Meaning: “Belonging to Mars”
More Famous Monkey Names
- Bingo — The Banana Splits Movie
- Boots — Dora the Explorer
- Fiben — The Uplift War
- Grape Ape — The Great Grape Ape Show
- King Kong — King Kong
- King Louis — The Jungle Book
- Lancelot Link — Lancelot Link, Secret Chimp
- Moon-Watcher — 2002: A Space Odyssey
- Mr. Teeny — The Simpsons
- Nikko — The Wizard of Oz
- Nilsson — Pippi Longstocking
- Nkima — Tarzan
- Professor Bobo — Mystery Science Theater 3000
- Rafiki — The Lion King
- Shift — The Chronicles of Narnia
- Spike — Ace Ventura: Pet Detective
- Titano — Superman
- Zoey — Zoey & Me
Alliterative M Names for Monkeys
If a famous monkey name doesn’t suit your fancy, maybe you want to go the silly route and be alliterative with your monkey’s name? “Maple the Monkey” is one sweet option for an alliterative name. As is “Max the Monkey.”
- Mabel
Meaning: Lovable or dear
- Macy
Meaning: Weapon
- Maple
Meaning: Piece of cloth
- Marco
Meaning: Warlike, Mars, or Roman God of war
- Margo
Meaning: Pearl
- Marley
Meaning: Pleasant wood
- Martin
Meaning: Roman god of Mars
- Marvin
Meaning: Marrow or eminent
- Maverick
Meaning: Independent
- Max
Meaning: Greatest
- Mila
Meaning: Miracles, gracious, or dear one
- Millicent
Meaning: Work or strength
- Milton
Meaning: “From the mill town”
- Mindy
Meaning: Sweet
- Moby
- Monty
Meaning: Topographic name for a mountain dweller
- Mork
Meaning: Woods or forest
- Morty
Meaning: Dead sea
- Muppet
Meaning: A blend of the words marionette and puppet
- Murph
Meaning: Battle or sea warrior
Sassy Monkey Names
Just like humans, monkeys come with all kinds of personality types. However, a lot of monkeys tend to be on the silly or even ornery side. As such, we think these silly and sassy monkey names really take the cake. And, hey! Wasn’t Bubbles the name of Michael Jackson’s monkey?
- Beans
- Bonkers
- Boss
- Bubbles
- Chuckles
- Gonzo
- Goofy
- Loco
- Loopy
- Monkey
- Nana
- Nutty
- Sassy
- Saucy
- Sly Guy
- Sneaks
- Spanky
- Sparky
- Spicy
- Squeaker
- Stinker
- Stormy
- Trick
- Wilder
- Wiley
- Zippy
Monkey Names Inspired By Color
If you’re an artist at heart, you might already be looking for the perfect way to describe the color of your monkey’s fur. All of these names call to mind a very different shade of brown. Why not use one of these for a moniker? Similarly, if you have a black-colored monkey, there’s a whole new set of color descriptors that would work perfectly for your new friend.
- Batman
- Bourbon
- Brownie
- Caramel
- Coal
- Cocoa
- Cocoa Puff
- Cola
- Darth Maul
- Darth Vader
- Ebony
- French Fry
- Fudge
- Ginger
- Godiva
- Hazel
- Hershey
- Inky
- Java
- Kit Kat
- Lava
- Licorice
- Midnight
- Milkshake
- Momba
- Noir
- Nutmeg
- Oakley
- Obsidian
- Onyx
- Ore
- Pancake
- Panther
- Peanut Butter
- Pudding
- Pumpernickel
- Rye
- Sable
- Shadow
- Smokey
- Soot
- Tater
- Tux (a play on tuxedo)
- Velvet
- Whiskey
- Witchy
“Monkey” in Other Languages
Looking for a name that will remind your little one of their heritage? This is how you say “monkey” in a ton of other languages.
- Abe (Danish)
- Affe (German)
- Apina (Finnish)
- Biri (Hausa)
- Liab (Hmong)
- Macoco (Portuguese)
- Majmum (Albanian)
- Malpa (Polish)
- Manuki (Samoan)
- Maymun (Turkish)
- Mico (Catalan /Spanish)
- Mono (Galician)
- Monyet (Indonesian)
- Obo (Yoruba)
- Opice (Czech)
- Scimmia (Italian)
- Simia (Latin)
- Singe (French)
- Tsoko (Shona)
- Tumbili (Swahili)
- Ungoy (Filipino)
Monkey Names for Girls
Many of the names above lean toward male monkey monikers. So, if you’re looking for some girl names for your sweet little primate, here’s a bunch you can choose from.
- Alene
- Anie
- Anna
- April
- Bibi
- Calli
- Filomena
- Fiona
- Ira
- Isis
- Kiki
- Kila
- Kira
- Koko
- Kye
- Lami
- Lavy
- Liliana
- Liz
- Lolly
- Lulu
- Maggie
- Merry
- Mia
- Molly
- Nia
- Nica
- Oli
- Rose
- Sheila
- Star
- Suri
- Tisa
- Wink
- Zini
- Zuli
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