Mom Shows Us A Simple And Genius Idea For Explaining Our Kid's Tardiness
Mom provides school with the perfect excuse on her daughter’s tardy note
We’ve all been there. The morning scramble to remember library books, lunches, homework and just like that, your kids are going to be late for school. Instead of slinking into the office to sign them in with your tail between your legs, you could try being a little sassy like this hilarious mom who gave the best excuse for getting her daughter to school late.
The best, because it was an honest one.
Reddit user Colieoh shared a photo of what her friend wrote in as an excuse for daughter Sophie being late for school. She simply owed up to the truth, instead of trying to come up with something believable.
The mom wrote in, “bad parenting” under the “reason for being tardy” column and one would argue that being late doesn’t necessarily mean your parenting was at fault, but sometimes, it is. And plenty of Redditors weighed in with their tales of being chronically late to school back in the day, making their own kids late and just plain silliness.
For my part, my kids are never late because if they don’t make that bus, I’m in an endless car line and late to start my work. But that doesn’t mean we don’t have harried mornings with forgotten items, mismatched shoes and unbrushed teeth as we rush to make the bus on time. Knowing that all that could be avoided if I simply woke a little earlier and taught my kids to take more responsibility for their own shit, I’m ready to take the fall and say that bad parenting is absolutely the reason my kids end up in a sprint to the bus stop some mornings. Guilty as charged.
That said, parents shouldn’t beat themselves up too badly over this. We have a lot going on and plenty of excuses for not getting the kids to school on time, but once in a while, it’s our fault. And that’s OK.
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