This Kid Got The Target Birthday Party Of Your Dreams

Mom makes her son’s dreams come true by throwing him a Target birthday party
An upstate New York mom made sure her son’s birthday party was everything he ever wanted and as it happens, everything he ever wanted is at Target. So she threw him a Target birthday party. At Target.
This is absolute proof that dreams come true, everyone.
Kara Cook’s son Parker is a lifelong Target fan, having caught on to its special magic very early in life. She tells Scary Mommy, “As a toddler Parker always loved hopping on the big red ball as we walked into the store and riding around in the big red shopping carts with the big boy seat belts. To make my life easier when shopping, my boys have always picked out a toy from the dollar spot or grabbed a bite to eat or drink while we shopped. Parker currently loves to get an Icee or a smoothie. Target also has always had all of his favorite toys. So whatever his obsession at the moment, Target has it.”
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
And moms everywhere are like, same. Target has basically everything you could ever want or need. And plenty of things you don’t want or need that suddenly become must-haves. It is a truly enchanted place, as Parker has always known.
So when Parker’s seventh birthday rolled around, Cook knew exactly what she had to do. And a Target birthday party was born. She shared the images from his Target party on Facebook, and they are a sight to behold.
First, the logistics. She had to ask permission, since Target doesn’t offer in-store birthday parties. Which is like sitting on a gold mine, because there would totally be a market for it (I turn 35 in December, everyone. Get on this!)
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
Luckily, it was a go. “The manager told me that we are customers and as long as we aren’t disruptive, we shouldn’t have a problem.”
After securing the venue, invitations were next on the list. And boy, were they a surprise to the other moms and dads. “Many of the parents responded that they had no idea Target did parties. I told them they don’t — we were crashing the place.”
Again, are you listening Target? This should so be a thing. And when it is, please set up my party in the containers/organizing aisles, thanks.
And so it was on. Cook was a bit nervous, but the entire staff was very much on-board. “Target Clay was AMAZING! As soon as we walked in we were greeted by the manager and the floor supervisor. They told us they were excited for the party and their staff that night was all informed.”
The guests were instructed to come dressed in the retailer’s signature uniform of khakis and red shirts, which any professional Target shopper knows not to wear if you’re actually shopping there because you will be hit up by customers needing help. But this time, it was completely appropriate attire.
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
The party was mostly in the cafe section with their addictive popcorn served to guests as they made their own Target name-tags (OMG, I need one) and cute beaded bracelets.
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
Parker had his face painted with the bulls-eye, of course.
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
And everyone got to participate in a scavenger hunt with clues leading them to items hidden all around the store.
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
Target stickers and Icees were the prizes afterward while party favors were selected at, where else? The Dollar Spot.
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
After that, Parker dug into his ridiculously cute Target cake and opened gifts. Of the parental energy expended, Cook says it was a total breeze. “The whole party from start to finish was only an hour and a half and it was by far the easiest party I ever planned. There was no clean up at home and the food (except for the cake and cupcakes) was all at the café.”
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
Join me in praying this story goes extremely viral so Target HQ gets on it and makes these parties an official thing you can have. I mean, it’s the best idea ever. You can throw your kid’s party and have enough time to get in your weekly shopping afterward? Sign. Us. Up.
Cook says in the end, it was everything they dreamed it would be. Parker felt “special” to have been the very first person to have a Target birthday party, as he should. This could become the next big thing, and he got in on the ground floor.
Happy Birthday, Parker!
Image via Jordan Himes and George J. Patterson
This article was originally published on