You're Welcome For These 40+ 'Moana' Quotes Full Of Adventure And Spirit

We’ve all seen the sweet videos of The Rock a.k.a. Dwayne Johnson singing his Moana song to his little girl and can collectively agree to a unison “awww.” But besides being crazy cute, Johnson’s turn as Maui, the selfish demigod turned ally is easily one of the best parts of Disney’s Moana. The 2016 animated feature about a spirited and adventurous young girl who overcomes her fears to save her island and the world is simple and poignant in its messaging, and the lack of romantic counterpart makes it all the better. A Disney princess movie without a prince to save the day — how refreshing! And it doesn’t hurt that Hamilton‘s Lin-Manuel Miranda is the mastermind behind the film’s catchy and lush soundtrack.
So whether you’re a troublemaker like Maui, looking for some sparkle like Tamatoa, or itching for adventure like Moana, we’ve rounded up the film’s best quotes to get you by. You’re welcome.
“I am Moana of Motunui. You will board my boat, sail across the sea, and restore the heart of Te Fiti.” — Moana
“Sometimes our strengths lie beneath the surface … Far beneath, in some cases.” — Moana
“What if we fish beyond the reef?” — Moana
“Okay, first, I’m not a princess, I’m the daughter of the chief.” — Moana
“There’s a whole ocean!” — Moana
“Well, come to think of it Kid, honestly I can go on and on I can explain every natural phenomenon The tide, the grass, the ground, oh That was Maui just messing aroundI killed an eel I buried its guts Sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts What’s the lesson? What is the take-away? Don’t mess with Maui when he’s on the break-awayAnd the tapestry here on my skin Is a map of the victories I win Look where I’ve been I make everything happen Look at that mini-Maui just tippity-tappin’Well, anyway let me say you’re welcome.” — Maui
“There’s more beyond the reef.” — Moana
“We were voyagers!” — Moana
“The Ocean chose me.” — Moana
“I’ve got your back, chosen one. Go save the world.” — Maui
“There is nowhere you could go that I won’t be with you.” — Grandma Tala
“I’m the village crazy lady—that’s my job.” – Grandma Tala
“I am self-taught.” — Moana
“Hero of men. It’s actually ‘Maui, shapeshifter, Demigod of the wind and sea, hero of men.’ I interrupted, from the top—hero of men. Go.” — Maui
“When you use a bird to write with, it’s called tweeting.” — Maui
“It’s called wayfinding, princess. It’s not just sails and knots, it’s seeing where you’re going in your mind. Knowing where you are by knowing where you’ve been.” — Maui
“If you wear a dress and have an animal sidekick, you’re a princess.” — Maui
“Listen. For a thousand years, I’ve only been thinking about keepin’ this hair silky, getting my hook, and being awesome, again.” — Maui
“I’ve got your back, chosen one. Go save the world.” — Maui
“You’re welcome.” — Maui
“The power of creation … For a crustacean!” — Tamatoa
“Hey! Hey! Did you like the song?” — Tamatoa
“Can we be real? If my name was Sebastian and I had a cool Jamaican accent, you’d totally help me. You would, you know you would.” — Tamatoa
“In the beginning, there was only ocean.” — Grandma Tala
“I’m the village crazy lady—that’s my job.” — Grandma Tala
“Whatever just happened … Blame it on the pig.” — Grandma Tala
“I’m his mom, I don’t have to tell him anything.” — Grandma Tala
“When I die, I’m going to come back as one of these. Or I chose the wrong tattoo.” — Grandma Tala
“Do you really think our ancestors stayed within the reef?” — Grandma Tala
“Go inside, bang the drum, and find out.” — Grandma Tala
“But one day, someone will journey beyond our reef, find Maui, deliver him across the great ocean to restore the heart of Te Fiti.” — Grandma Tala
“There is nowhere you could go that I won’t be with you.” — Grandma Tala
“If you are ready to go home, I will be with you.” — Grandma Tala
“Are you just trying to get me to talk about myself? Because if you are … I will gladly do so—in song form!” — Tamatoa
“Just pick an eye, babe.” — Tamatoa
“I ate my grandma! And it took a week because she was absolutely humongous.” — Tamatoa
“Sometimes, who we wish we were, what we wish we could do, it’s just not meant to be.” — Sina, Moana’s mother
“He’s hard on you because … because he was you.” — Sina, Moana’s mother
“You’re Welcome” Lyrics
Well, come to think of it Kid, honestly I can go on and on I can explain every natural phenomenon The tide, the grass, the ground, oh That was Maui just messing aroundI killed an eel I buried its guts Sprouted a tree, now you got coconuts What’s the lesson? What is the take-away? Don’t mess with Maui when he’s on the break-awayAnd the tapestry here on my skin Is a map of the victories I win Look where I’ve been I make everything happen Look at that mini-Maui just tippity-tappin’Well, anyway let me say you’re welcome For the wonderful world you know Hey, it’s okay, it’s okay You’re welcome! Well, come to think of it, I gotta go
“There will come a time when you will stand on this peak and place a stone on this mountain, like I did, like my father did, like his father and every chief that has ever been.” — Chief Tui
“No one goes beyond the reef!”— Chief Tui
“It suits you.”— Chief Tui
“There’s just no telling how far I’ll go.” — Moana
“Okay, first, I am not a princess.” — Moana
“There is no darkness. There are no monsters.” — Chief Tui
“It’d be rude to refuse a gift from a goddess.” — Moana
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