35+ Miss Piggy And Kermit Quotes To Celebrate Everyone's Favorite Dysfunctional Couple

Are Miss Piggy and Kermit a match made in heaven? Or… erm, not heaven (a place that rhymes with bell)? We’ll let you decide. This iconic cartoon couple has captured hearts for decades. They’re a pair we love — and love to hate. Their turbulent relationship has certainly seen its trials. Seriously, there are countless Miss Piggy and Kermit quotes that serve as a hilarious reminder of just how tumultuous their bond is.
Still, It’s a beloved story that’s been the inspiration for a number of spinoffs from the original show. Fun fact: Did you know that the Muppets first appeared on the short-form TV series Sam and Friends? It ran from 1955 to 1961. Yep, that old! Although they never seem to age and, well, that just doesn’t seem fair. At any rate, if you didn’t know that lil’ tidbit, now ya do. Learn somethin’ new every day, right?
One thing’s for sure, though: Watching Miss Piggy and Kermit is timeless. Whether they’re on the big or small screen, these two are bound to bring us all. The. Feels. Luckily, we don’t have to look too far to relive this classic romance! Disney+ has us covered. Not only can we introduce our kids to this quintessential couple, but we can also binge-watch after bedtime. If that’s you, your secret’s safe with us — our lips are sealed.
The best thing about bringing back this sweet (and salty) twosome is that we can learn valuable life lessons from watching their love story play out onscreen. But, if you don’t feel like bingeing to brush up, this post is for you. Here are more than 30 noteworthy Miss Piggy and Kermit quotes from the famed lovebirds… or rather, love-pig-and-frog.
Kermit Quotes
- “Life’s like a movie, write your own ending…”
- “With good friends, you can’t lose.”
- “Frankly, Miss Piggy, I don’t give a hoot.”
- “I’ve heard it too many times to ignore it. It’s something that I’m s’posed to be.”
- “Well, I have a dream too, but it’s about singing and dancing and making people happy. It’s the kind of dream that gets better the more people you share it with. And I found a whole group of friends who have the same dream, and that makes us sort of like a family.”
- “Here’s some simple advice: Always be yourself. And don’t take yourself too seriously. And beware of advice from experts, pigs, and members of Parliament.”
- “Take a look above you, discover the view. If you haven’t noticed, please do. Please do. Please do.”
- “Changes happen as life passes by. Soon enough, you’ll be grown.”
- “If life were easy, it wouldn’t be difficult.”
- “When you decide what your big dream is, you’ll be bursting with enthusiasm and want to share it with everybody. Most everybody will give you one of those ‘OK, that’s nice, now please pass the ketchup’ looks. Some will scoff, suggesting that whatever your big dream is, it’s too big for you. And a select few will whisper words of encouragement. My advice is this: Pass the ketchup. Ignore the scoffers. And remember those words of encouragement, ‘cause they’re the only ones that matter.”
- “Hey, did you guys see what I heard?”
- “Have what Jim Henson liked to call ‘ridiculous optimism.’ Without it, we wouldn’t have this amazing world we live in.”
- “Finally, there’s one other thing that I think every person or frog needs to be creative: Friends. For me, the best part of creativity is collaborating with friends and colleagues. Mine happen to be bears, pigs, rats, and penguins, but you go with what works for you.”
- “I guess I was wrong when I said I never promised anyone. I promised me.”
- “I believe creativity is an inherent part of everyone.”
- “Someday we’ll find it, the rainbow connection. The lovers, the dreamers, and me.”
- “It’s not easy being green.”
- “Just because you haven’t found your talent yet, doesn’t mean you don’t have one.”
Miss Piggy Quotes
- “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and it may be necessary from time to time to give a stupid or misinformed beholder a black eye.”
- “Haven’t you heard? One is the new two.”
- “Beauty is all about loving who you are. And if you have a problem with that, may I suggest you try loving who I am?”
- “How far should a girl go on the first date? Tucson. However, if you live in Texas, you can probably go a bit farther.”
- “The early bird gets the worm — which is what he deserves.”
- “Style comes in all shapes and sizes. Therefore, the bigger you are, the more style you have.”
- “Never eat more than you can lift.”
- “Moi has always possessed a charm that is lethal to men.”
- “I don’t care what you think of me unless you think I’m awesome. In which case, you are right.”
- “When you are in love with someone you want to be near him all the time, except when you are out buying things and charging them to him.”
- “You have to be going to a pretty awful place if getting there is half the fun.”
- “This, you see, is my ultimate ambition — to live a simple life with the frog I love.”
- “I plan to write more books whenever I can find the appropriate writing attire and color-coordinated pen.”
- “I am a pig, and as a pig, I have always stood out.”
- “I am waiting for a really strong and meaningful female pig role.”
- “Express your feelings all the time unless you’re trying to hide something.”
- “Smart cooks realize that the easiest cookbook to use is the Yellow Pages and the handiest appliance in the kitchen is the telephone.”
This article was originally published on