This 69-Year-Old Model Is The Newest Face Of Cover Girl

Musk goes to show you are never too old to be fabulous
CoverGirl has made headlines in recent years for their diversity in the faces they are choosing to represent their brand. They recently signed their first ambassador in a hijab, CoverGirl, Nura Afia. as well as chef Ayesha Curry, their first non-entertainer spokesmodel. It also named James Charles its first male spokesperson in 2016. The American cosmetics brand continues to diversify its ambassadors this week by announcing 69-year-old Maye Musk as its newest member.
Musk is a Canadian born nutritionist, dietician, model, and author with not one but two master’s degrees. She is also the mother of three, including son Elon Musk of Space X and Tesla fame who made Forbes “World’s Most Powerful People” list. But enough about him, let’s get back to his kick-ass mom.
Musk is no stranger to modeling; she’s been doing so for 50 years for the likes of Revlon, Virgin America, and Target. She has graced the cover of Elle, and was even in a Beyoncé video, folks. What has this woman not done? In a press release global senior vice president Ukonwa Ojo wrote “Maye is an affirmation of the power and importance of diversity and inclusivity in the world of beauty. This is exactly what CoverGirl is all about: owning your identity and proudly sharing with the world all the facets that make you, you.”
We’ve all heard that men get more attractive, interesting, distinguished with age, blah blah blah while women go to extremes to hide the aging process as much as possible by coloring our hair, getting fillers, and buying anti-wrinkle creams at ridiculous prices. But women shouldn’t feel the need to hide our age. We’re all getting older, dammit, and with age comes wisdom, perspective, and fewer and fewer fucks to give. And that’s a beautiful thing.
For her part, Musk is elated with the news, writing on Instagram that being named a CoverGirl came as a complete shock. “Who knew, after many years of admiring the gorgeous CoverGirl models, that I would be one at 69 years of age? It just shows, never give up. Thank you CoverGirl, for including me in your tribe of diversity. Beauty truly is for women of all ages,” with the hashtag #justgettingstarted. We couldn’t love this woman more.
Musk is a perfect example that beauty comes at every age and CoverGirl is getting it right — we should be celebrating all women. We are so worth it.