Drift Off To Sleep To The Soothing Sound Of Matthew McConaughey Reading A Bedtime Story

You can actually fall asleep to Matthew McConaughey’s soothing voice, so dreams really do come true
Picture this. You’re tossing and turning and can’t go to sleep. Your mind is crowded with to-do lists, anxiety, and general mania. Then, Matthew McConaughey appears in your room and reads you a bedtime story in his velvety, buttery voice. Nope, this isn’t some sort of dream. This can be your reality (though, sadly, McConaughey won’t actually be in the room).
The actor has lent his voice to the Calm app, which was created to help foster restful sleep and includes mindfulness and meditation exercises. He narrates a story called “Wonder,” written by Chris Advansun, and it lasts for thirty-five insanely blissful minutes. If you don’t believe us, just listen to the clip below and prepare to fall under the McConaughey spell. After listening to this, all we want are our coziest pajamas, a mug of hot cocoa, and one perfect, uninterrupted night of sleep.
See? Told you it was amazing. Feeling so, so many warm, snuggly feelings right now.
So, the the craziest part about all this? People have actually been calling for Matthew McConaughey to read them a bedtime story for a long, long time. And I guess our southern gent with a voice as smooth as silk has finally heard those prayers.
If you’re officially ready to get in on this McConaughey bedtime story train, head to the Calm app, where you can sign up for a free seven-day trial. After that, it’s $12.99 per month or $59.99 for a yearly subscription. You can also get more than 120 other bedtime stories and each one sounds dreamier than the next (why, yes, I do think that my sleep would be a whole lot better if I was listening to a story called “A Magical Winter Night”). There’s also narrations for kids and music sleep stories.
Want a little extra something to make your evening even better? Rewatch this seminal scene between McConaughey and Kate Hudson in How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days, right before you crawl under the covers for your bedtime story. It’s really the optimal combo.
Alright, alright, alright. Sweet dreams, everybody.