'Man Who Has It All' Mocks The Absurd Things We Say About Working Moms

A humor page imagines a world where the media suffocates men with the whole work-life balance question
You may have heard of the now viral Twitter account, Man Who Has It All. It’s an account that imagines what it would sound like if men were pestered with the same stereotypical bullshit women are.
Here are a few examples:
You get the picture. The account does much of the same on its Facebook page, but over there something truly epic is happening. The female commenters are pretty much taking over the page with their own hilarity.
This is just one example of the memes Man Who Has It All produces. But the funny doesn’t stop at the memes that turn a spotlight on the sexist questions women are constantly fielding. Hundreds of women flock to the page to “play along” in the comments. Here are some examples:
It sounds so absurd doesn’t it? But women get this stuff all the time. It’s really hard to decide what the best part of the page is, its content (which shows how ridiculous gender-biased expectations are), the women showing up to hammer in just how stupid these types of comments are, or the men who’ve arrived to completely miss the joke.
“Dumbest thing I’ve ever read on Facebook. Congrats on that feat.”
“Why don’t you make the money and he raises the kids? Equality for all, don’t be sexist and force a societal gender role upon him.”
“Yea…cause you know you don’t need money to raise a kid.”
There’s hours of entertainment here. You’re welcome.
As for the creator of Man Who Has It All, he’s remained anonymous and insists he’s just a “frazzled working dad with a wife and three kids who spends his me-time on Twitter.”
This article was originally published on