Let's Make The Most Of Our G-Spot, Folks

We’ve all heard discussions around the water cooler about our magic button, also known as the G-spot. And if you are like many other people with a vagina, you want to know where the hell it is and how you can access it to turn that baby on full throttle.
It’s obviously not an easy find or it wouldn’t be one of the seven wonders of the world. Let’s face it, if you or your partner have stumbled upon your udder of sexy that took you to another dimension, you’ve bragged about it — I’ve heard you.
But what about the rest of us who are left wondering if the G-thang is just a made up-thang because we have turned ourselves inside out trying to find our ruby?
We also want to be in the know so we can give our partners specific instructions on how to flood our cave. Or better yet, we want make our cave flood our own damn selves when the mood hit us — like after eating a few brownies. (Am I alone in this? I didn’t think so.)
After all, it’s a part of our body and if all the buzz around this milk dud is actually true, we want to take advantage of it and give that deep tissue a tickle.
Our desire to take our woman wood to the next level is deep, and we sure as shit deserve it so we are here to share with the class everything you need to know about the precious G-spot.
First, A Little History
According to Megwyn White, sex expert and Director of Education at Satisfyer, the G-spot in women with vaginas, also know as the Gräfenberg spot, was named after German gynecologist Ernst Gräfenberg who, in the 1940s, found a very sensitive zone in the vagina that gave some people a great deal of pleasure.
The G-spot is like a super highway because it’s where many nerve endings come together, says White. “First, the clitoris which is both an internal and external. The internal body of the clitoris splits into two roots, and saddles around the upper portion of the vaginal canal, and extends inwards. Secondly, the tissues of the urethral sponge which surrounds the urethra. This is also the area where many scientists believe the female prostate to exist. It is highly innervated with nerves.”
Okay, now that we know how it was discovered and what it is, how can I find mine?
Say Hello To My Little Friend
First, we need to find the G-spot. So carve out a little time, get yourself comfortable, and know if you are crouched in the corner of a closet to escape your family to engage in this uber-important exercise, you aren’t alone. Okay now, shall we?
Keep in mind, we are all shaped different, so your precious pearl may be in a slightly different spot, but, according to White, it is located about 3-4 inches inside the vagina in the upper portion of the vaginal canal.
White says to start with some gentle outer-clitoral stimulation with light strokes or your favorite vibe to get the mood right. (We like these.)
While stimulating your clitoris, insert your fingers into the vagina (don’t forget to trim your nails), using a gentle “come hither” motion. “This will excite the tissues of the urethral sponge,” says White. If this feels difficult to do with your hands, a vibrator that is curved (like this one) will work like a dream here too.
O’Reilly adds to be patient — the more you are aroused, the more your G-spot will swell so if you don’t feel it right away, keep going a bit longer.
The G-Spot Is Like A Box Of Chocolates
As in, you never know what you’re going to get. Dr. Jess O’Reilly, the resident sexologist for Astroglide, reminds us that stimulating the G-spot doesn’t feel the same for everyone just as a foot massage doesn’t feel good to everyone. We are all unique, and what might butter your zone might be extremely sensitive and uncomfortable for another.
“I’ve heard women describe G-Spot stimulation as irritating, weird, neutral, tickling, euphoric, sensational, and unbelievably titillating. The bottom line is that there is no right way to experience pleasure and no two bodies respond in the exact same way,” says O’Reilly.
So, don’t feel bad if you go clamming and come up feeling unsatisfied — however, it’s strongly recommended to revisit it in a couple of weeks just to be sure. “Your response can shift depending on where you’re at in your menstrual cycle,” says O’Reilly. Hey, you don’t have to twist my arm — I am not a quitter.
Let’s Get It On
How can we stimulate the G-spot during sexual intercourse? Well, let’s count the ways.
Because of its location — the upward angle within the vaginal canal — it’s best to find a position that allows the penis to stroke your pot of gold.
1. Doggie style can be a great way to do this, but White strongly recommends adding in self-stimulation or partnered-stimulation of the outer clit with a hand or toy for maximum results.
2. Missionary position with a few pillows under your hips can also be an effective way to awaken your genie. The extra support and elevation will “help to access the area and help to support blood flow to the entire pelvic complex,” says White.
3. White also recommends standing with the support of a table or sink (hello, after-dinner sex) while dropping the torso slightly toward the support of the table can help hit the spot too.
4. Straddling can also reach the G-spot — hop on top and try to hit it just right by rocking your hips back and forth. White adds, “Massaging the belly just above the pubic bone can also enhance the sensation,” so don’t forget that little trick.
It’s fun to experiment and keep things fresh, but maybe squeezing your sponge does nothing for you. Remember: our sexuality, and what we like, is complex, and we’ve all got our own likes and dislikes.
If having your G-spot stroked does nothing for you or doesn’t give your orgasm a boost, there is nothing wrong with you. What matters is you engage in a sexual activity that feels safe, comfortable, and pleasurable to you.
And, if all else fails, there’s always brownies.
This article was originally published on