MAC Is Giving Away Free Lipstick Because Dreams Do Come True

This is not a drill
There are a lot of things in life that are too good to be true. Santa Claus isn’t real, there’s no such thing as a comfortable high heel, and Splenda actually does have calories. But in a world full of bummers, something amazing is happening. MAC is giving away free lipstick, and there’s absolutely no strings attached.
In honor of National Lipstick Day, on Saturday, July 29th (that’s tomorrow!) MAC is giving away free, full sized tubes of lipstick in their US stores (one per person, while supplies last). Sorry kids, that playdate is cancelled — mama’s going to the mall.
“Happy #NationalLipstickDay!” the brand said in a press release. “Celebrate #MACLipsLipsLips with us at a M·A·C store or retailer near you. Get there early on 7/29 for a FREE full-sized Lipstick (there’s no catch!), while supplies last! US only.”
If you don’t live near a MAC store, don’t get jelly of your friends that do just yet. The promo is happening anywhere MAC products are sold, so you can head to Macy’s or Ulta in hopes of scoring some free lippie.
The event is the latest promo for MAC’s #MACLipsLipsLips campaign. Last month they gave out a free lipstick with the purchase of any two lip products, but you could only choose from a few shades. This time over 200 creamy, dreamy hues are yours for the picking.
MAC has always been great at gifting customers with products through their Back to MAC program. Bring in six empty MAC primary packaging containers and they’ll give you a full sized lipstick, as a way of saying thanks for helping them recycle. So if you just can’t make it on Saturday, you can still score a MAC lipstick for free.
MAC is recommending you head over early if you want in on this promo, because crowds will probably be huge. The kids are going to wake you up before dawn anyway, so you might as well score some free makeup because of it. Throw on a pair of yoga pants, grab a coffee, and get in line before all the good shades are gone.
Just in case you’re still on the fence about braving the crowds, we’re not talking a lipstick sample or even a travel size. They’re handing out full-sized, $17 a pop tubes of lipstick in any color you want. You can scoop up a classic Ruby Woo or be bold and get Anything Once. You deserve this, damn it!
Or if the idea of getting high end cosmetics for free makes you a little woozy (no judgement, just writing this is making me feel giddy), ask for a See Sheer, because it looks great on practically everyone. Either way, this is your chance to treat yourself without having to spend a dime.