This Hilarious Book Teaches Your Baby How To Be A Feminist

‘Feminist Baby’ smashes the patriarchy in laugh-out-loud comics
The saying goes, “Teach ’em young,” and lessons in feminism are no exception. Bright young minds are canvases for the future. Progress depends on them smashing the patriarchy. And seriously, wouldn’t it be so cool if a baby’s first word was “pa-tri-ar-chy?”
Ah, a feminist’s dream, but one that could actually be reality with a little infant education. A new book has been born with a social purpose – to teach your little human about feminism (and give you some much needed laughs in the process).
Illustrator and designer Loryn Brantz is helping mamas expose their babies (yes, babies) and toddlers to feminist ideas with her new board book called, “Feminist Baby.” She says the idea for the book had been gestating for some time.
“From as far back as I can remember, I’ve been trying think of a children’s story I could tell that would positively impact the world,” Brantz tells Scary Mommy.
Image via Loryn Brantz
She says she was looking for a baby book to buy for a friend’s shower one day, but couldn’t find anything related to feminism for kids 0 to 2. She says it was then that the idea for “Feminist Baby” hit her.
“I literally ran home to write it,” Brantz says. “I wanted to write a book that I would want to give to my friends’ babies, and to my own possible future babies.”
Image via Loryn Brantz
Her idea grew and eventually Brantz went into labor with her word baby. As you might imagine, writing a book is quite literally like giving birth.
Image via Loryn Brantz
What was born was a little human that is seriously woke AF.
Image via Loryn Brantz
The gift that is “Feminist Baby” is that it can teach the adults something, as well as the children.
“I think it at least sends the message that you can introduce these concepts and words to children early on and have it be a part of their lives from the get-go,” Brantz says.
Image via Loryn Brantz
“For the babies, I think of it as a way to expose them to the word and familiarize them to it. I’d like to think that if a child loves ‘Feminist Baby,’ it will help them have a positive association with feminism later on in life,” Brantz says.
Image via Loryn Brantz
As a fellow feminist whose ovaries exploded when “Feminist Baby” came on the scene, I had to ask Brantz what feminism meant to her. Her response was frills-free, so-not-wax poetic, and uplifting – just like her book.
“Feminism to me at its most basic is the equality and fair treatment of all genders, which I think should be something everyone can stand behind!”
Image via Loryn Brantz