Here Are 30 Things From The Little Mermaid You’re Still Thinking About In Your 30s

Most of us were kids the first time we met Ariel and her friends, but from the first moment we saw her and Flounder scavenging for thing-a-ma-bobs on a sunken ship, we’ve been OBSESSED with all things The Little Mermaid. Ariel taught us that it’s okay to be different and you can absolutely brush your hair with a fork.
Here are 30 other things about The Little Mermaid we’re still thinking about 30 years later.
1. We’re still obsessed, maybe even a little envious, of Ariel’s amazing hair. Do mermaids ever have bad hair days?
2. We still pretend we’re mermaids any time we go swimming.
3. When we hear “Part of Your World,” we almost want to be where the people are, but some of us are total introverts now and would much rather be where the people aren’t.
4. We’re counting down the days until Disney releases the 30th Anniversary Edition of The Little Mermaid, so we can watch all the never-before-seen bonus features. (OMG WE CAN’T WAIT!)
5. Remember that time Ariel was so happy about stretching out in a bed alone? Our thoughts exactly.
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6. We still feel low-key guilty about eating seafood because Sebastian and Flounder.
7. We really thought there would be more musical numbers in adulthood. Especially during times of stress.
8. If someone said, “Pass the dinglehopper,” we’d absolutely hand over a fork without even thinking about it.
9. There’s still a small part of us that believes there’s an entire mer-world just below the surface of the ocean.
10. We associate the name Eric with swoon-worthy princes.
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11. All our fellow gingers are still wondering how Ariel’s skin survived without sunscreen.
12. We wonder if Chef Louis and Sebastian ever learned to get along after that whole “I tried to cook you” thing.
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13. We understand there’s a fine line between collecting and hoarding.
14. Floating in a blue lagoon is No. 12 on our bucket list.
15. We thought we would grow up to be just like Ariel, but most days we feel more like Scuttle.
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16. You’re still thinking maybe those folks in the garden of shriveled trapped souls just needed lotion because that’s basically your winter skin, too.
17. Thanks to Flotsam and Jetsam, we assume all eels are evil.
18. We used to loathe Ursula, but now that we’re parents, we sort of identify with her fly-off-the-handle moods.
19. We recognize Ursula as the original bridezilla. I mean, the girl burst out of her wedding dress and transformed into an angry octopus.
20. We don’t settle, because Ariel taught us there’s nothing wrong with wanting more.
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21. Mermaids are real, and we’re sticking to it.
22. The 30th Anniversary Edition of The Little Mermaid has a sing-a-long mode and OMG THIS IS HOW WE FIND OUR PEOPLE. If you don’t know every word to “Under the Sea,” then we can’t be friends.
23. We still wonder if things would have ended differently if Eric took Ariel for a carriage ride instead of a boat ride.
24. We wonder how in the world Flounder got that giant cement statue of Eric to the grotto.
25. We spend two hours trying to look as put-together as Ariel does after she washes up on the beach wearing an old tarp. So unfair.
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26. We still don’t understand why Ariel didn’t just WRITE ERIC A NOTE.
27. Aquata, Andrina, Arista, Attina, Adella, Alana, and Ariel are the reason our kids have names that start with different letters.
28. We’ve loved Eric from the moment he climbed aboard that burning ship to rescue his dog.
29. Sebastian seemed like a total buzzkill when we were younger, but now that we’re parents we hope our kids end up with a friend like him.
30. We’re still thinking about Ursula’s strong makeup game. Look what she can do with a clamshell and no mirror.
Image via Tenor
If you need us on February 12, we will be brushing our hair with a dinglehopper and watching the 30th Anniversary Edition of Disney’s The Little Mermaid on repeat. (Probably in sing-a-long mode.)
This article was originally published on