10 Lion Coloring Pages That Will Make You Feel Ferocious

Lions are such magnificent animals, aren’t they? While majestic and pretty to watch on TV or in movies, it can seem a little terrifying looking at one right in the eye. That’s why well-maintained zoos make an ideal adventure (not to mention a safe one) for kids. But for days when a trip to the zoo isn’t an option, lion coloring pages are a fun activity to do with your little ones instead. With lion coloring pages, you can show your appreciation for the king of the jungle without worrying about getting too close.
Unfortunately, many zoos are still closed or limiting their sites and attractions due to social distancing guidelines. Don’t worry, though; the zookeepers are still there making sure our favorite animals are healthy and well-fed. So as you patiently await for reopenings, you might as well use these lion coloring pages to get psyched about future trips to come. Plus, unlike many zoos, these pages are totally free.
Free Lion Coloring Pages
1. Lion No. 1
This lion is a bit peculiar, but adorably. With its fluffy mane, it looks innocent. But, yowza, those are some noticeably long claws! An inventive idea for this image would be to color it in and add a background. Is he out in the wild or hanging out in a zoo? There are several types of lions that span across Africa and Asia. They include Barbary lion, Asiatic lion, West African lion, Masai lion, Congo lion, southwest African lion, Transvaal lion, and the Ethiopian lion.
2. Lion No. 2
If you mixed a lion and a teddy bear, you’d get this adorable guy. In fact, he very well might be a teddy bear in lion’s clothing. You should print out a few different versions of this coloring page and let your child’s imagination run wild.
3. Lion No. 3
A wide-eyed lion might indicate that he just spotted some potential prey in the distance. This lion is more expressive than the other lions on these coloring pages, so your kiddo can get creative writing a backstory for it.
4. Lion No. 4
The second you see this lion, you’ll want to scream out, “I want to color him.” An ideal piece of art for the intermediate or expert artist, this page requires the sharpest of colored pencils. You can choose typical browns for his mane or make it crazy with pastel or rainbow colors. Fun fact: Lions are just as lazy as a house cat. They sleep for about 16 to 20 hours a day!
5. Happy Lion
Need a coloring page for a younger child who’s just experimenting with coloring in the lines? Here you go! The dark outline will help them stay focused, while the lion’s happy and familiar face will keep any child captivated. Fun fact: Did you know lions can eat a quarter of their body weight? (This explains why they’re the second largest big cat. Male lions can grow up to 10 feet and weigh up to 550 pounds.) Their tongues also have sharp points they used to scrape meat of their bones.
6. Patterned Lion
If you’re looking for new tattoo inspiration, perhaps you should color in a few versions of this incredible patterned drawing. All of our lion coloring pages are unique in their own way, making them versatile for everyone to explore. Got a case of wanderlust? This one’s for you — it seems to tell a story of a lion that’s traveled far and wide in its life.
7. Lion Icon
Another excellent coloring page for a beginner (or someone who loves to draw and doodle while trying to pay attention in Zoom meetings), this lion begs for a creative touch. Based on the art’s simplicity, it may be fun to try a bunch of different color patterns. Maybe a blue mane and a green coat? Or how about silver and gray? However, a lion’s mane isn’t just a fashionable furry feature. It also protects a lion’s head and neck from harm.
8. Lion Cub
When lions are cubs, they’re usually super spotty, almost like a cheetah. If this image doesn’t make you flee to Disney+ to watch The Lion King, nothing will. This little guy looks a lot like Simba and would probably benefit from his colorations, too. Or this could also be Nala — who seriously deserves a Disney spin-off if we’re honest.
9. Lion Pride
When you think of lions, you think of family — which, as you may know, is called a “pride” among these regal animals. We recommend bringing out a lot of color in both the rock and the sky of this picture.
10. Roaring Lion
Another fantastic tattoo if you’re looking for inspiration, this roaring lion proves it’s fierce and ready to protect its family. Did you know a lion’s roar can be heard from up to five miles away? The flowing mane would also look especially dynamic colored in with reds and oranges.
Click here to print all of the lion coloring pages at once!
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