Sleeping Naked Has Totally Improved My Sleep
Plus I'm more self-confident. Win-win.

I’ve never been a naked kind of person. If I got out of the shower, I’d wrap myself in a towel immediately. Walking around the house naked never happened, and I always had to get under the covers during sexy time with my partner. I wasn’t comfortable being naked and it certainly didn’t feel good. Not when I was with someone nor when I was alone.
And that guy from Arrested Development, Never Nude, who wears clothes in the shower? Well, I’ve never done that but it certainly has crossed my mind.
But everything changed one night a year ago when I was so tired I didn’t have the energy to put on my favorite night shirt. Instead, I peeled off my clothes and crawled in bed. I was uncomfortable at first and had one arm covering my bare breasts, my legs were squeezed together, and my knees were practically touching my chin. It was as if I was ashamed to be in my own bed naked and alone.
Then I drifted off into a delicious sleep. When I woke I the next morning not only did I feel completely rejuvenated, I was sprawled out on my back like a starfish not giving one fuck that I was naked. I almost didn’t recognize myself. I had never been so comfortable in my life.
It was a breakthrough for me. I’d lived almost five decades and had never known pleasure like this. It was the first night I didn’t wake up with clothes twisted around me. Actually, it was the first night in years I slept through the night because I didn’t get hot. (In fact, studies show that sleeping naked can improve your sleep.)
After that, I looked forward to going to bed even more than I had before. I threw out my night clothes, and now I crawl into bed every night and love the feeling of wrapping the sheets around my naked body knowing I’m going to have a good night's sleep.
Something else has happened since I’ve been having more naked time: It’s improved my self esteem. I started falling in love with parts of my body I didn’t like before, a big reason why being naked was uncomfortable for me. I have a round lower belly. I have some extra meat on my backside.
Being naked was just a reminder of the things I didn’t like about myself, and even if I was alone I’d feel the urge to cover up and hide, something that seems ridiculous to me now.
Now I accept every part of myself instead of trying to scrunch up in a little ball and be invisible.
Now, I’m completely comfortable walking around naked in front of a partnerNow, I feel more like myself than ever.
It’s such a freeing feeling and every night I so look forward to being naked.
If you haven’t tried sleeping naked I can’t recommend it enough. You just may have the best sleep of your life and it costs nothing.
Is it time for bed yet?
Katie lives in Maine with her three kids, two ducks, and a goldendoodle. When she’s not writing, she’s reading, at the gym, redecorating her home, or spending too much money online.