
‘Realizing My Sexuality Will Probably Kill My Marriage’

In the latest Confessions roundup, 17 parents reveal what’s on their minds, from holding on to (or letting go of) old relationships and breaking generational cycles.

by Julie Sprankles
Scary Mommy/Getty

Wouldn’t it be nice if we were all born with an internal manual that automatically reflected any big changes? Like an app on your phone, it would update in the night while you slept so you’d be ready to face your new reality the following day. Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way — we just have to figure it out as we go. And in our latest round of anonymously submitted confessions, moms seem to be grappling with the kinds of revelations that would sure be helpful to have a handbook for.

From adapting to being the parent of a college-aged kid or learning about a surprise pregnancy after being laid off to epiphanies about sexuality, parents are revealing the things they’re currently trying to troubleshoot. Keep reading to see if you can relate.

Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, look for our weekly callouts on Instagram. And to browse past Confessions, head here.

Still in love with my HS boyfriend even though I’m very happily married.

Confessional #84995278

My kid is at a sleep-away camp for the first time, and it’s been so nice without her attitude here.

Confessional #86833103

I hate my boss so much I’m using my vaca to figure out how to quit.

Confessional #83429877

The college experience was not in the parenting books.

Confessional #81352308

I need a vacation by myself. The amount of people that need something from me is exhausting.

Confessional #86579079

I was laid off in March and just found out I’m pregnant with (surprise) baby #3.

Confessional #85191397

I want a divorce but don’t trust my husband with my kid alone every other weekend.

Confessional #81931279

I want to be the exact opposite mother to my daughter than my mother was to me.

Confessional #89548010

I hate bedtime with our 4-year-old. If this were a job, I would walk out.

Confessional #81946701

Realizing my sexuality will probably kill my marriage.

Confessional #80476395

I’m finally letting go of my ex-husband.

Confessional #85281528

I’m dating again and realizing more and more how superior women are. Men are so lame.

Confessional #80809914

Wondering when my 28-year-old will figure out how to support herself.

Confessional #80056583

I can’t keep up with inflation... for the first time ever, my mortgage bills are all late. Starve or ??

Confessional #87998414

Moved to a new state and am so lonely.

Confessional #87563018

I failed at being the fun, relaxed mom I wanted to be this summer, and now it’s over.

Confessional #85229307

Sad no one celebrated my birthday when I try and ensure everyone feels special on theirs.

Confessional #88540647