Spa Day

I Finally Tried The Viral TikTok Overnight Collagen Mask — & Wow

Kick back and relax.

by Dee Kwong
Young beautiful woman with a beauty face mask
Iuliia Bondar/Moment/Getty Images
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If I started counting the number of viral TikTok products out there, we’d be here all day. And I won’t lie; I’ve tried a lot of them, evidenced by the receipts cluttering up my inbox. In most cases, they lie in the corner of my drawer unused. However, a few favorites have become part of my daily routine — shoutout to the Glow Recipe’s Watermelon Dew Drops or Korea’s flat spatula hack. In fact, most of my makeup secrets come from TikTok.

So, when I started seeing the overnight Biodance Collagen Mask all over my FYP, I tried hard to resist the temptation. Video after video hyped its effects: glowy skin, skin firming, and satisfying peels. Ultimately, the novelty of an overnight mask — yes, you can sleep in it — was irresistible, and I purchased one.

Face masks typically consist of a cloth-like material soaked in serum. However, Korean overnight masks have a very different consistency. The one I ordered came encased in a plastic covering. When I carefully removed it (remembering a TikTok I’d seen where it ripped easily), I was greeted by a delicate film that was damp to the touch.

Many masks come with holes for the eyes and mouth; this one came with perforations to tear the holes, leaving me with three extra small pieces. Sure, I could have thrown these away, but the Asian in me finds use in everything — I put the eye sockets on my smile lines and the mouthpiece on the bridge of my nose. Everything was in place.

I couldn’t stop touching my newly acquired artificial skin. It made me feel like one of the humanoid machines in I, Robot. It was scarily smooth. Yet the jelly-like consistency was satisfying to touch, and the cooling sensation was unlike anything I’d ever experienced. Whenever a breeze hit my mask, a coldness, like metal spoons sliding across the face, would spread before settling back to room temperature. Simply put, the experience was an at-home facial.

And most of the claims are true. Apart from an initial tendency to slip (which is why I highly recommend lounging around for the first hour), the mask delivers on its promises. I woke up with the mask still on my face, despite being a chronic side sleeper. Then came the most satisfying part: I peeled off the mask — American Psycho fashion — and glass skin that rivaled Bateman greeted me. My skin had a newborn-style glow and softness, much like the TikTok videos that flooded my FYP.

However, as the day went on, I noticed the effects began diminishing. The shine softened, and my skin faded into a natural sheen. Overnight or not, face masks are only temporary.

Curious, I wanted to get a professional opinion on whether these masks match the hype. So, I connected with Dr. Howard Sobel, a board-certified dermatologic cosmetic surgeon at Sobel Skin in New York City. He was pretty positive: "Overnight masks are light and thin and porous and quickly absorb into the skin," Sobel says. "Collagen masks effectively boost moisture levels in the stratum corneum layers of the skin to eliminate dryness, sagginess, roughness, and wrinkles."

Sobel continues, "Skin cell turnover occurs during sleep, so there can be a benefit to using one overnight. Overnight masks can be infused with ingredients that boost collagen production and diminish the common signs of aging."

Overnight collagen masks do have drawbacks. If you have sensitive skin, you may experience a slight reaction simply because you’ve had the mask on for too long — especially if you use irritating skin care ingredients prior to using the mask (strong peels, exfoliating agents, or a retinoid).

If you want lasting, plump, glowy skin, Sobel suggests opting for a retinoid. “They are proven effective in counteracting wrinkles, sagging, discoloration, and rough texture,” he explains. Other alternatives include Vitamin C, which protects your skin barrier against environmental aggressors while lightening skin discoloration.

Personally, I don’t buy face masks just for their benefit. I buy face masks because of the experiences and downtime I get — scaring my siblings with white jelly on my face, having an excuse to read a novel in one sitting, and having spa night with the girls. So yes, grab that book. Watch some TV. You deserve that break.

Here are some products to try: