'I’m Leaving My Toxic Job. I Wish I Didn’t Have To Work Again.’
In the latest Confessions roundup, unfiltered moms (anonymously) share what’s really on their minds.

Most of us, at some point in our parenting journeys, have had to adjust our expectations. Because that image of motherhood or fatherhood we had before ever getting pregnant rarely — if ever — pans out exactly how we planned. Whether you didn’t connect with your infant immediately, can no longer imagine staying with your spouse forever, or question your choice to work full-time or be a SAHM, this week’s Confessions will show you that you’re not alone. And if you’ve ever sobbed over a skipped naptime... you’ll find a kindred spirit here, too.
Scary Mommy Confessions are a tried-and-true part of what makes our site so fun. If you want to anonymously confess, please tell all through the link here. And if you want to browse past Confessions, head here.
Just CRINGE every time I’m near my in-laws.
Confessional #44718274
My FIL is a sexist pig, and I hate hosting him.
Confessional #49982765
I’m so tired of living in debt but literally have no choice in this economy.
Confessional #47782654
I’m leaving my toxic job. I wish I didn’t have to work again.
Confessional #43102987
I sobbed today because my toddler skipped her nap. The only two hours I get ‘for myself.’
Confessional #44918276
I’m not connecting with my 5-week-old and feel so guilty.
Confessional #49107651
Eight months of TTC, and my loser friend got his hook-up buddy pregnant.
Confessional #46198703
I’m sick of one of my kids ALWAYS being sick. I just want to work one full week, once.
Confessional #45378276
I’m so tired of not having money for the things we need.
Confessional #41829187
I hope the bullies on my daughter’s soccer team do not make the gold team at tryouts.
Confessional #41829209
My mom is an alcoholic, and I need to set boundaries for my kids.
Confessional #47162837
I’m so terrified of my kids getting the stomach bug that we don’t share cups or utensils.
Confessional #41827834
My husband’s constant hounding has ruined sex for me.
Confessional #41275645
My ex wants equal custody, but I know he won’t be able to handle it.
Confessional #41928756
I am SO LONELY and feel guilty telling my husband because being a SAHM is what I wanted.
Confessional #41209891
I need a f*cking break. I just want to be alone for 10 hours straight.
Confessional #41289188
I don’t want a divorce but also can’t fathom spending the rest of my life with my husband.
Confessional #41029839
I gave my husband a year off... but I miss him.
Confessional #41928765
My husband talks about wanting a third baby, but he IS the third baby. Absolutely not.
Confessional #41928756