20 Hilariously Accurate Tweets About Shopping At Target

There are a few things that moms can’t live without: reliable babysitters, stretchy pants, and our retail oasis known as Target. We’re drawn to that red bullseye like moths to a flame.
Some of us have even considered moving in or at least getting “accidentally locked in” overnight. After all, it has every item we could ever want, it’s affordable, and it even has a Starbucks.
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But our obsession can escalate quickly. I don’t want to brag, but I can turn an errand for laundry detergent into a $300 shopping trip. Multiply that by several trips a week and we suddenly understand why we want to move in: We practically pay rent there already.
But at least the funny people of Twitter understand our obsession:
Never underestimate the value of Target therapy:
For anything, really:
You don’t actually need to need anything in order to go there:
Especially when you’re lucky enough to shop alone:
There’s literally nothing better:
And partners who understand that are few and far between:
In fact, Target may even help you define your relationship #goals:
It also makes a good date night.
I don’t understand why men don’t just go there to look for women:
Even though the novelty eventually wears off:
And eventually our kids get it, too:
We’re realistic about what we’re getting ourselves into with every shopping trip:
Even though we know we’ll spend it on things we don’t need…or want even:
We always wrestle with buyer’s remorse when we start checking out:
And no matter who’s with you, there is no escape from the RedCard:
And even when you know what you spent, hearing that total can sting a little:
They don’t even let you leave with any dignity:
But you’ll be happy. It even made this dog happy:
Whether you’re alone, with your partner, or with a group of friends, the therapeutic rush of serotonin from a trip to Target can’t be denied. Life is short. Shop that clearance rack while you get your latte on. You deserve it, mama. Treat yo’ self.
This article was originally published on