Let’s Talk About 'Nipplegasms'

There’s nothing that gets me in the mood like a gentle nipple tweak. Even if sex is the last thing on my mind and I feel Jason Momoa could show up at my door and I still wouldn’t be able to get woman-wood, all it takes is a little swipe, pinch, or flick of the nip. It never fails, and always has the ability to leave me wanting more.
I can honestly say that getting felt up (I don’t care if it’s juvenile to say that, I’ll always use the term) gets me in the mood. And nothing revs my engine even higher during an orgasm like having my boob knobs turned.
However, I have a friend who tells her husband that the titties are off limits; she doesn’t want them touched because it does nothing for her and she’d rather have him focus on some of her other areas. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea since not everyone is wired the same, I know — but for me, the nipples are where it’s at.
I’ve come close to having an orgasm by having my areola caressed and my nips pulled and twisted a bit, but I always direct my partner to third base because I didn’t know this one very special secret: you can actually have a “nipplegasm.”
That’s right, folks. No need to take off the drawers if you’d like to get yours. I mean, I prefer taking off my unders and having someone play DJ, but a nipplegasm might come in handy if you want to bypass all the removing clothes and humping nonsense.
A study conducted by the Journal of Sexual Medicine shows that having your nipples stimulated can ignite the same part of the brain as the clitoris, cervix, and vagina. I think many of us knew it felt fantastic, but didn’t realize it could actually lead to the big “O.”
If you’ve come close and want to go all the way, we’ve got answers.
Scary Mommy spoke via email with Suzannah Weiss, certified sex educator and coach, who said the best way to start exploring the power of the nips is to experiment with different kinds of touch on your breasts and nipples. “Some people like very light strokes with the tips of the fingers, while others may enjoy more pressure, including massaging, squeezing, or even pinching motions.”
Basically, your nipples are like any other area of your body — you have to get to know them and let them talk to you. That’s the only way you are going to get comfortable and see what you enjoy and what you can go without.
Once you use that as a starting point, you and your partner can explore a bit more.
Emma Hewitt, Head of Customer Satisfaction at Adult Toy Megastore, tells Scary Mommy that while it’s absolutely possible to have a nipplegasm, keep in mind that it may take longer than a clitoral orgasm and may not be as strong. But it’s definitely a good time since “the nipples have so many nerve endings,” says Hewitt.
Hewitt urges using a blindfold if you have a partner touching your nipples, which will heighten the feeling and allow you to focus on it. To mix things up a bit, try using a feather or a tickler to begin. “Lightly brush the nipple at first. Try using your lips, then tongue and then tiny, really tiny, bites,” she says. (Emphasis on “really tiny,” because … ouch.)
The most important thing to remember while trying out some nipple play, along with any other sex act, is to talk to your partner.
“Communicate with your partner and let them know what you like — firmer, softer, harder and ‘pinch me’ and ‘bite me’ will help you to steer your pleasure,” says Hewitt. No one enjoys having something done to them that doesn’t feel right. It can kill the mood and be a waste of time, so it really is best to speak up.
Your partner wants to please you and do things that you like and feel good about, so being patient and using a kind tone will go a long way.
If it’s not your thing and you don’t have an orgasm by having your raisins squeezed, there’s nothing wrong with you. You know what they say: different strokes (literally) for different folks!
As for me, this sounds like a fun fall activity, so I’m going to add “try and have nipplegasm” into my calendar for the weekend.
Happy tweaking!
This article was originally published on