A 'Schitt's Creek' LEGO Set May Be Coming To A Store Near You

Yay David! A LEGO superfan is trying to make his set a thing anyone can buy — here’s how you can help
If you think there’s no way anyone can love the Rose family and all of the Schitt’s Creek town folk as much as you, then you might be wrong. One guy created an entire building set dedicated to the show’s most popular locale — the Rosebud Motel. And yes, there’s minifigures if all your favorite Schitt’s Creek citizens.
Mark Fitzpatrick has apparently spent his quarantine wisely and created a detail-filled Rosebud Motel building set that we absolutely need to get our hands on (more on that in a minute). Look at how much the outside looks like the actual roadside motel complete with vending machine, sign, and yellow flowers.
But it’s the inside that really takes our breath away. It features the guest check-in area, Moira and Johnny’s room, and Alexis and David’s room. No word on which LEGO Rose sibling is positioned by the door, ready to “get murdered first.”
Yes, there are minifigures — Alexis, David (in one of his signature black and white sweaters), Moira in a totally on-brand pink wig, Johnny all ready to do maintenance around the property, and Stevie clutching a plunger because let’s face it, out of everyone, she knows best how to do the dirty work.
Look at the little office. I cannot.
David and Alexis’ shared lodgings look exactly as they do on the show.
So do Moira and Johnny’s, which means there is a LEGO “wig wall” for you to play with. SQUEAL.
Ok, so remember how we mentioned that you could possibly own this glorious set one day? That’s because it’s been submitted to LEGO Ideas, a platform where fans can lobby for their own LEGO creations to become sets sold by the company. If Fitzpatrick’s model receives 10,000 votes, LEGO will consider making it for sale. So far, the vote count stands at just over 3,700, so we need to make this happen. You’ll need to create an account, and we don’t want David looking like a disgruntled pelican, so we best hop to it. (Dan Levy even voiced his approval for the set on Twitter).
Oh, and one more thing — to celebrate his set receiving 25 percent of the votes needed to be an official LEGO creation, Fitzpatrick rolled out minifigures of two more Schitt’s citizens — Roland and Jocelyn Schitt.
Before that, to celebrate 1,000 votes, he added in Patrick.
Fitzpatrick is teasing more figures if we can grab enough votes. “If the project is fortunate enough to keep securing the support of Schitt’s Creek fans and reaches the next milestone (5,000 votes), there are some final townfolk who might pay us a visit,” he says.
You heard the man — go vote so we can make this set a reality. David will definitely think you’re “simply the best” for lending your support.
This article was originally published on