Kristen Bell Shares Genius Trick To Keep Kids Safe From Traffic
It’s so simple, yet so effective
Kristen Bell is the celebrity mom we all wish we were friends with in real life. Not only is she an amazingly talented actress, she’s also all about the #realtalk when it comes to tough topics like anxiety and couples therapy. Bell’s down to earth and refreshingly honest way of looking at things extends to her parenting style.
The mom to three-year-old Lincoln and two-year-old Delta has a super easy way of keeping her kids safe in traffic, and you’re going to want to add it to your own bag of parenting tricks.
All it takes is four little words: “Hands on the circle.”
Bell’s photo shows two adorable little hands (and a seriously cute bracelet) that we assume belong to her daughters.
“‘Hands on the circle!’ The phrase we say as we jump out of the car,” she writes. “‘Hands on the circle’ (the circle is the gas cap) was invented by my brilliant sister-in-law, and has thus far kept all kiddos safe from any oncoming traffic while I unload the trunk.”
She’s taught her kids to put their hands on the gas cap and stay put until she’s ready to usher them into the house/store. This seems much more effective than my own method: screaming, “Freeze, FREEZE, I SAID STOP!” and praying that no cars are coming as my boys dart away from me.
It’s awesome how Bell isn’t afraid to admit she stole this trick from her sister-in-law. Sure, we normal humans trade parenting tips like our kids trade slime recipes, but it’s nice to know that even A-list celebs get some help from the parenting village too.
This isn’t the first time Bell has wowed us with her mom ninja skills. Last month she showed us how to fix a busted Pull-Up using only the emergency hair tie we moms keep around our wrist at all times.
We know Bell’s plate is fully loaded already with her family and the upcoming Frozen sequel. But if she has the time to put together a book of parenting hacks, we’d be first in line to buy it.