Kirk Cameron Hosts Maskless Carol Singing Because He's A D*ck

This is not the first time Cameron has hosted similar super spreader events
Kirk Cameron, who is best known for his role as Mike Seaver on the ABC sitcom Growing Pains but is now known for being a giant prick, hosted a super spreader event in Thousand Oaks, California as the pandemic rages out of control in the state.
Dozens of people, most of them sans masks, showed up for a second caroling event hosted by the actor as a massive surge in COVID-19 cases and deaths leaves hospitals with few ICU beds and the state seeing another round of lockdowns. Around 75 to 100 people, led by Cameron, were seen caroling outside The Oaks mall spreading cheer and coronavirus right next to a COVID-19 testing center.
“I’m getting ready to go out in 38 minutes, it’s T-38 minutes for our Christmas caroling peaceful protest,” Cameron said in an Instagram post. “Join me and many others to sing the songs of the Christmas season by candlelight and spread the message of Christ’s love and liberty.” I’m sure Christ’s love will keep him safe if he or a family member contracts COVID and, God forbid, has to go on a ventilator in order to breathe.
The Oaks mall issued its own statement about the “peaceful protest” saying, “We do not condone this irresponsible — yet constitutionally protected — peaceful protest event planned. We share your concern and have notified the Sheriff’s office. As well, we have reached out to the event planner to ask that they do not use The Oaks as their venue.”
The mall is located in Ventura County, part of the Southern California Region, and is currently under a state-mandated stay-home order triggered by low ICU capacity in local hospitals. All gatherings are prohibited with the exception of worship and political expression. It’s not clear what the fuck Cameron is “peacefully protesting” but I’d venture to guess he feels personally attacked that his freedom to go to Applebees with his children has temporarily been taken away while frontline workers scramble to save people’s lives.
Cameron has close ties to Sing it Louder USA who posted on their website recently, “Feel like you’re done with all the mandates telling you how many people you can have in your home or how you’re supposed to eat or that you cannot sing?” and referred to the government as “tyrants who are attempting to control our lives.”
Cameron has hosted these events in the past, posting them proudly to his social media accounts.
His sister on Growing Pains, Tracey Gold, urged her “brother” to find some common sense and stop being a part of the problem. “Checking in with my dear brother Mike. @KirkCameron. As your more intelligent sister I want you to know that I disapprove. I’m worried about you brother AND your family. Wear a mask. Stay home. Sing later.”
What a douche bag.