Read Kate Hudson’s Beautiful Post About Raising Her Daughter To Be ‘Genderless’

Her explanation of raising kids to be ‘genderless’ is something worth listening to
Kate Hudson gave birth to her third child and first daughter, Rani Rose, three months ago. And after having two boys, she’s got some pretty firm ideas on how she wants to raise her only girl.
She recently mentioned during an interview with AOL that she was taking a “genderless” approach with her kids in general, and hopes to let all of her kids be individuals — and that goes for Rani Rose, too. “We still don’t know what she’s going to identify as. I will say that, right now, she is incredibly feminine in her energy, her sounds and her way.”
Because people love to pounce on soundbites, Hudson took to her Instagram account to clarify exactly what she means by “genderless.” Not that it’s literally anyone’s business how she chooses to parent, but she understands she’s in the public eye and things can get taken out of context.
“Recently someone asked me something along the lines of, if having and raising a girl is different from boys,” Hudson writes. “My response was simple. Not really. This whole click bait tactic of saying I’m raising my daughter to be ‘genderless’ is silly and frankly doesn’t even make sense.”
“I raise and continue to raise my children, both my boys and my girl, to feel free to be exactly who they want to be,” she says. “Me saying ‘genderless approach’ was a way of re-focusing the conversation in a direction that could exist outside of a female stereotype.”
Hudson has been killing the mom game on social media, quickly becoming one of our favorite celebrity moms for keeping it pretty real. Her postpartum attitude is one so many fellow moms can relate to and appreciate.
“I wanna do all this and keep up milk production, raise my kids, work everyday, make time for my man, have girlfriend time, and stay sane,” she said shortly after having Rani Rose. “I know that sounds more like a new year resolution but after Thanksgiving and everyone thinking about their health, I feel motivated to keep that up.”
It’s no surprise that her approach to parenting is open-minded, loving, and relatable as well.
“It just felt a little antiquated to me,” she says about female stereotypes. “Not all girls want to be a princess, some want to be a king. And that’s fine by me.” She goes on to say she doesn’t have some “new age method” of raising kids, she just wants them to be good humans and feel perfectly okay in their own skin.
“And if they grow up and identify with something different than what others want to identify them as…mama’s cool with it! I keep it simple cause we all know raising kids is anything but.”