'Nothing Trumps Your Kid's Butt Cleanliness': Justin Timberlake Talks Parenting And Poop
Justin Timberlake explains how poop and parenting go hand-in-hand
When you have a baby, it doesn’t take long for you to become acquainted with his or her feces. And it doesn’t take long for you to stop caring either. Justin Timberlake gets it.
The pop star and new dad appeared on Elvis Duran’s radio show recently and used a variety of poop-based stories to explain his first year as a father to 13-month old son Silas.
“When I used to clean up my dog’s poop, it was like it was a science project; I wouldn’t get very close to it. When you have a kid, and there’s poop, you gotta get in there!”
Leaving aside the minefield that is comparing a dog’s poop to a child’s poop – pet poop is part of the family too, but it’s just not the same thing as children’s poop! – he’s right. You do have to get in there. Justin is clearly joining the ranks of celebrity super-dad Ryan Reynolds, and countless other involved fathers, who aren’t shy about picking up parenting doodies. Sorry, duties.
Every baby is different but they all poop. Pretty much nonstop. You get inured pretty quickly.
I am not a poop guy. Or a vomit guy. Or a blood guy. But when you become a mom or a dad, I don’t care how squeamish you are around that stuff, it simply stops being a big deal when it comes out of your kid. It doesn’t stop being gross, the grossness just stops mattering.
“Nothing trumps your kid’s butt cleanliness,” Timerlake said. “So you just have to get in there!”
Yup. Just this morning I emptied my four-month-old’s Diaper Genie. I nearly fainted at the smell, and as I was carrying the pouch of poop to the garbage, I prayed to all the gods that the bag of feces-bombs didn’t break, despite the fact that I’m not religious. Then I went back inside and changed his diaper again, because he apparently had some chili last night. Oh well.
It’s always nice when someone in the public eye doesn’t shy away from discussing the less glamorous aspects of parenting, especially when it’s a new dad. It’s even more welcome on Mother’s Day, because if there’s any day when dad needs to “get in there” and clean up his kid’s poop, it’s today. Mom’s hands should be full, double-fisting mimosas, not changing diapers.
So hang onto that great attitude Justin, and remember, all day long today, when the baby needs a diaper change? It’s gonna be YOU!
H/T Us Weekly